5 JULY 2003, Page 28

In praise of virtue

From Mr Ron West Sir Rod Liddle makes the standard CChange mistake of associating traditional morality with hostility to freedom Mack to basic instincts', 28 June). It is no contradiction for a political party to be both in favour of liberty and yet still to disapprove of activities — such as orgies — that some people freely engage in. In fact, the most effective way of making huge controlling legal frameworks and state welfare systems unnecessary is to foster a society of people who are not inclined to behave antisocially (whether due to criminality or parasitic fecklessness) in the first place.

Since this pervasive civility is a necessary condition for the Conservative intention to cut state taxes and intrusion, it follows that policy should be centred on making Britain a country where virtue is praised and vice condemned.

The Home Office has previously acknowledged that marital breakdown is a 'key risk factor' in domestic violence. Therefore common sense says that any activity inimical to marriage should be fought tooth and nail by anyone who claims to be a Conservative.

Ron West

Croydon, Surrey