5 JULY 2003, Page 28

Jobs galore

From Dr Madsen Pine Sir: Ross Clark's article on public-sector jobs overhauling private-sector ones ('Public scandal', 28 June) is by no means the whole story.

This week we published 'Costing Jobs', a survey of the jobs advertised in the Guardian's weekly public-sector jobs supple ment, 'Society'. It features more than 30,000 state-funded jobs a year, with a salary bill of more than £800 million, not even counting pensions and fringe benefits.

Everything from a Corporate Equalities Officer to an Anti-Social Behaviour Coordinator — and this is just the Guardian. Many others appear in job centres, on the radio, in local papers and the other broadsheets. The pay averages more than 10 per cent higher than the average national wage. The advertising revenue generated for the Guardian must be huge.

No wonder the Times has launched a rival to the Guardian's cash cow. This public-sector thing turns out to be big business.

Dr Madsen Pine

Adam Smith Institute, London SWI