A curb, not a ban
From Mr Norman Baker
Sir: Alan Judd's representations about my comments on 4x4 vehicles (Motoring, 26 June) are entirely wrong. I have absolutely not called for a ban on 4x4 vehicles in towns, for both reasons of practicality and philosophy.
What I have said is that I want manufacturers of 4x4 vehicles to steer their marketing strategy away from their clear concentration on the 'urban jungle' and those within ft. I have also asked users of these vehicles to consider the appropriateness of their use for particular journeys and to give consideration to other road-users. While 4x4 drivers may feel safer sitting higher up in the vehicle, those outside the vehicle can feel exactly the opposite.
This is a rather more subtle approach than the one you credit me with, an approach befitting a party which encourages educated individual choice.
Norman Baker MP
Liberal Democrat shadow environment secretary London SVv'l