5 JUNE 1847, Page 9



The tendency to improvement in the Public Securities, though it continued during Monday, received a check on the following day; and the price of Consols has since experienced a decline of per cent. This downward movement was occasioned by the belief that a large number of the holders of the Exchequer Bilks which arrive at maturity on the 15th instant would decline to renew the bias and demand to be paid oft The Government would in that case have been compelled to submit to a further increase in the rate of interest, or to clear the market of the superincumbent weight by converting the Exchequer Bills into Stock. It became known in the course of yesterday that the number of bill-tiolders claiming to be paid off' was very trifling; and Consols for Account, after being as low as 881, closed yes- tInday afternoon at 881. This: morning the market was firm at yesterday's quota- tions, but gave way per cent in the course of the day, in consequence of a sale by the Bank-broker: a trifling improvement occurred in the afternoon, and at the close the prices of the morning were reestablished. The Exchequer Bills have been rather firmer: the premium of large bills has reached 4s., while that for small is quoted as high Us 10s. The bullion from St. Petersburg expected by the Camilla steamer arrived on Monday, to the amount of 200,0001.; all on mer- chants account. Money has become easier; the Bank Directors being much more liberal in their discounts, and the current rate for bills having two or three months to run may be quoted at 5 per cent.

In the Foreign Market, the business transacted has been unimportant. The dividend upon the Portuguese Annuities which became due on Tuesday last re- mains unpaid; the financial Agency of the Government being without funds to meet the payment. It is hence inferred that the claims of the holders of the other Bonds, the dividends upon which become due on the lot of July, will share a similar fate, and that those dividends will also remain unpaid. Portuguese Bonds have consequently experienced a further decline, the price of the Four per Cents having fallen to 32. The market has hitherto been supported against the crushing effect of continued sales by the reiteration of small investments, which have absorbed almost all the Stock sold by the large capitalists. Mexican Bonds have declined nearly 1 per cent, in consequence of the intelligence of the reverses of the Mexican arms.

The decline in the Consul market has produced a corresponding movement in the.Railway Shares: in the course of Wednesday and yesterday, most of those :varieties which had advanced at the end of last week bad fallen back considerably, In consequence of the predominance of country orders to sell: the market is firmer today, most of the transactions being at improved quotations; but the business has been on a very limited „scale.

The transactions in the French Shares have been tulimportant. A call of 21. a share upon those of the Paris and Lyons was advertised for the 20th instant; but the directors have, wisely in the present state of the market, postponed it. The books of the Stocks whose dividends fall due in July will close and reopen on the following nays.

SHUT. Oera.

Three per Cent Consols Friday 11th June Friday 15th July. Three per Cent 1726 Wednesday 16th June. .Wednesday 14th July. Annuities January 1860} Do. Do. 1880 Friday lith June Friday 16th July.

India Stock Thursday 34 June Thuwiday leth July. South Sea Stock New Annuities Friday 11th June Tuesday Mk July. Three per Cent 1751 S


The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 29th ulthno do not indicate any very important changes in the condition of the establishment; they are, however, satisfactory, inasmuch as they exhibit a steady progress to- wards such a state of things as will enable the Directors to extend their discount accommodation. There is an increase of about 200,0001. in the amount of un- issued notes, and of 221,087/. in that of the bullion in store, in the Issue De- partment. The increase of 826,229/. in the amount of the public deposits indi- cates that the holders of the Scrip of the new Loan are still availing themselves of the discount, and paying it up. We may remark that the amount of bul - lion has increased upwards of 700,0001. since the 1st of May, namely, from 7,083,7661. at the latter period, to 7,806,303L on the 29th. The effect of this favourable aspect has been to produce an improvement of * per cent in the price of the Government Securities; Consols fur Money being 88* 3, while for Account the price is 88* 9. Exchequer Bills are 2a. to 4s. premium; while small (2001. and 1000 have been bought at 10s. premium. No change or busi- ness of importance has occurred in the Foreign Market. The transactions in Rail- way Shares have as yet been unimportant, being confined to the following. The prices of yesterday are in all cases maintained, while in one instance, that of the North western, an advance of 2/. has been realized: Eastern Counties, 191; Ditto, York Extension, 64; Edinburgh and Glasgow, Half-shares, 17; Brighton, 581; North- western, 176 7; South-western, New, 29; Midland, Bristol, and Birmingham, Six per Cents, 127; Norfolk, 1281; North Staffordshire, 94 ft; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 133 3; Reading, Guildford, and Reigate, 51; South Yorkshire, Doncaster, and Goole, 13; York and Newcastle, 371.

SATURDAY, Two o'CLoce.

The few transactions in the English Funds, indicate a predominance of sellers, and as Stock has thus been brought to market, a decline of * per Cent has occurred; Consols for Money closing at 88*, and for Account at 883 3. In the Foreign Market the only bargains recorded are the following—Spanish Three per Cents, 334; Belgian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 931; Dutch Four per Cents, 89*. The Share Market is steady; and in some of the more favoured hues a dis- position to advance is apparent. We can only notice the occurrence of the follow- ing business in addition to our reportof the morning. Aberdeen, 251; Bristol and Exeter, 71; Eastern Counties, 193 4; Ditto, York Extenaion, 64; Great North of England, 232; Ditto, New, 84; Loudon, Brighton, and South Coast, 581 4; Lon- don and North-western, 176 7; London and South-western, 66; Midland, Ile/ 19; North British, 32; North Staffordshire, 93 1; Oxford, Worcester, and Woiver - hampton, 13* 1; York and Newcastle, 37/ 4; North of France, 12 1 12 ; Paris and Rouen, 374; Paris and Strasbourg, 44; Sambre and Meuse, 74.

3 per Cent Consols ...... • • • 881 Danish 3 per Cents 83 4

Ditto for Account

104 i

Dutch Si per Cents

bat I 3 per Cent Reduced 87f Ditto 4 per Cents. 89 4 al per Cents 88$ 9 Mexican Spar Cents 1846... 204 l Long Annuities 8 15-16 9 1-16 New Grenada ex div. lef 204 Bank Stock 195 Portuguese New 5p. Cis. 1841 311 21 Exchequer Bills 3 10 prem Peruvian.. 36 8 Inclia Stock

Bussian 5 per Cents 109 110 Brazilian 5 per Cents 83 4 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 221 Belgian 44 per Cents 92 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 331 4 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 36 8 Venezuela

37 9

Chilton 6 per Cents 92 4

Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last.—

168 .... 160 103 .... 99 146 .... 158 269 274 35 29 94 70

DISCUSCS of the Kidneys, ake a s

Chtlibirth, diseases of the Uterus, fie. 13 10

Itheumausin, diseases of the Bones. Joints, Sc. 10 8 Diseases of the skin, Cellular Tissue, &c. 7 2 Old Age 67 .... 67 Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 29 .... 26

Total (including unspecified causes) 940 914

The temperature of the thermometer ranged from 111.0° in the atm to 29.20 in- the shade; the mean temperature by day being warmer than the average mean temperature by 8.9°. The mean direction of the wind for the week was South south-west.

The comparison of the deaths registered last week in London with the deaths which would have been registered if the rate of mortality had been the same as in Dorsetshire, shows these totals—London, 960; Dorsetshire, 684; excess, 276.

Number of Opt ing deaths. average.

Zymotle (or Epidemic, Endemic, and Contagious) Diseases Dropsy, Canter, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses .

Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion