Mr. Goschen is said to have received a cheek. It
is reported that the Sultan, being informed of his programme, was so offended that he delayed his public reception, demanding that the words to be addressed to him should be modified. This seems to have been done, for at the reception on Friday nothing was said publicly of importance, Mr. Goschen only expressing his willingness to aid. the Sultan in reforms. The story is circulated by correspondents very anxious to support Austrian views, and is probably exaggerated; but there has been delay, and the Sultan is either alarmed or sullen. He has di:pealed to the Mema to know whether he may execute the murderer of Colonel Commouroff, and whether he may endure European interference in his affairs, and in both eases has re- ceived a negative reply. It is believed that he intends to refuse all demands, and the official journal hints that he expects sup- port from M. Tissot in that course.