Personal Recollections of British Burmah. By the Right Rev. J. W. Titcomb, First Bishop of Itangoon. (Wells, Gardner, and Co., for the S.P.G.)—Bishop Titcomb tells, in a simple, unaffected way, the story of recent mission-work in British Burmah, and relates his own ex- periences of the country, climate, and people. He leaves on his readers the impression of a candid, liberal, and intelligent mind, very much in earnest about his work, and with a rational hope in its ultimate success. King Theebau, whose education by the missionaries has not prevented him from turning into a tyrant remarkable even amoeg Orientals, has been a terrible disappointment. But in India now, as in Europe eighteen centuries ago, the faith will have to work its way up from below. No reader can fail to be affected by the simple and pathetic account which the Bishop gives the world of the cause which has interrupted his work.