The Republican Convention for the nomination of a candi- date
for the Presidency was opened at Chicago on Thursday, and it is understood that General Grant's prospects are not bright. His opponents have compelled his friends to give way as to the manner of voting, and to take the vote of the Dele- gates by counting heads, instead of allowing each State only the proportion of votes to which it is entitled. As many States are nearly equally divided, the result of this is that General Grant's men are in a minority estimated at sixty, in a Convention of 758. The majority are, however, very divided, Mr. Blaine and Mr. Edmunds being the favourites; and as feeling is very bitter, it is believed that some unforeseen candidate may be accepted all round. This is the more pro- bable, because General Grant will not accept a divided nomi- nation. No name has as yet come to the front, but the " dark " nominee must be a Western man.