Belgium has been agitated by a great social scandal. M.
Vandersmissen, leader of the " Independent " Party, which stands between the Clericals and the Liberals, a man of thirty- five, and of high social position, married a woman of light character, to whom he was much attached. Finding her un- faithful, he applied for a divorce, but told her that his suit was only intended to deceive the public, and constantly visited her. Condonation is considered shameful in Belgium ; the news- papers attacked M. Vandersmissen for his complaisance, and be conceived the project of clearing his character by killing his wife. He called on her at night with a revolver, and though the wretched woman pleaded for her life, and offered to procure evidence that would make a divorce inevitable, he killed her with three shots. The defence 'was sudden rage at the wife's cynical offer ; and although there was no evidence of this except the murderer's statement, while the evidence of premeditation was ample,- the jury accepted this excuse, and found the,accused guilty only of culpable homicide. The Judge sentenced him to fifteen years' penal servitude. It will be observed that Vandersmissen did mot kill his wife-for unfaithfulness, he having condoned that, but solely in order to set himself right in the eyes of society, about as base a motive for a -murder as las ever.been alleged.