[To THE ELITOK OF THE " 6PFCTATOR "J SIR,—A cat in a household with which I am acquainted has lately shown remarkable sympathy as well as intelligence in regard to a dog kept in the same house. The animals live on very friendly terms. At night they occupy two boxes in a basement room. The dog has fits at times, but until this occasion they have always occurred in the daytime. In the middle of the night the dog bad a fit, and the cat, which had four kittens two or three days old, left them and went up four flights of stairs to a room in which two brothers were sleeping. The clior was open, and the cat entering, mewed until she had awakened the young men, one of whom, thinking that something was wrong with the kittens, went down to the basement, the cat accompanying him. There he found the poor dog in a fit, and proceeded to recover him to conscious- ness as on other occasions. It is only reasonable to suppose -that the cat, which had shown so much concern for her companion, was made happy by the success of her appeal to