A Renter telegram published in Thursday's papers tells us that
a striking warning to Mexico has been issued by President Wilson in the form of a statement addressed by him to the people of the United States
"The time has come," says President Wilson, "when America must lend active and moral support to some man or group of men. if such can be found, who can rally the suffering people of Mexico in an effort to ignore, if they cannot unite, the warring factions of the country, return to the Constitution of the Republic so long in abeyance, and set up a Government in Mexico City which the Great Powers of the world will recognize and deal with."
President Wilson then solemnly calls upon the Mexican leaders to unite "for the redemption of their prostrate country," otherwise the United States will be constrained to decide what means it can employ to "help Mexico to save herself and serve her people.' The exact nature of the steps the President contemplates is not indicated in the statement, but it is believed (says Renter's correspondent) by officials here that a programme has been mapped out.