Mrs. Green Again. By Evelyne E. Rynd. (John Murray. 2s.
6d. net.)—" Suppose there come the land trump " said Mrs. Green musingly, 'you'd think it was a h'arerplane an' go down inter the cellar in case there was a Gerraing in it. The more they soundid it, the further in you'd go. It wouldn't be much use soundin' the lamb trump with h'everyone satin' in their cellars 'oping not to 'ear it again, an' no intention of cumin' out till it was gone." Mrs. Green has bided her time, for it is many years since our first and only meeting with her. We did not miss her exactly during the happy days of peace, but she is welcome now. Indeed, we might have known that in the dreariness of war she would be lovable and kindly still. " Tempora mutantur." says the fly-leaf, " risus amorque manent." Certainly the laugh is with us, while we have Mrs. Green: she assures us at least of a national sense of humour.