5 JUNE 1915, Page 22
The name of Signor D'Annunzio has been prominently before us
lately on account of his share in stirring up Italian feeling in favour of participating in the war. It is therefore appropriate that a new and cheaper edition should be issued of some of his novels that have already been translated into English. The books thus published are The Child of Pleasure (II Piacere), The Victim (L'Innocente), The Triumph of Death (II Trionfo della Marla), The Virgins of the Backs (Le Vergini delis Bocce), and The Flame of Lefe (II Fuoco) (William Heine- mann, 3e. 6d. net each).—We may mention at the same time a cheap reprint of one of Maxim Gorky's novels, The Spy (Duckworth and Co., 2s. 6d. net).