Universal satisfaetion has been caused by the appointment of Sir
Henry Jackson as First Sea Lord. Sir Arthur Wilson will still be associated with the Admiralty in an advisory capacity. Sir Henry Jackson is a specialist in wireless. telegraphy, and largely under his inspiration the development of wireless telegraphy in the Navy has been nothing short of a scientific triumph. In 1881 he began experimenting with.
Hertzian waves, and in 1895 a practical, if limited, system emerged from his experiments. Soon afterwards he began to conduct his experiments in association with Mr. Marconi. He was a member of the Committee which evolved the design of the 'Dreadnought.' In 1913 he became Chief of the War Staff at the Admiralty. He left this position in order to become Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean, but the declaration of war prevented him from relieving Sir Berkeley Milne, The Times states that during the war he boa directed the naval operations against the German colonies.