SIR,—I am afraid the heading to Mr. Baker's letter _ led me 'astray, and it was not the Pullman Car Com- pany but the Hotels and Catering Services of the British Transport Commission who were to blame. My apologies to Mr. Harding and the Pullman Car Company.
Reverting to meals on British Railways, however, I S would like So cite one more example. On the„morn- ing train.frem Easton to Coventry last years I filtered : • the empty • restaurant car for breakfast, only to he told it was fully booked by a party. Undeterred hY this lind thseats- of police eviction, I seated myself and said, 'Throw me out .if yo,u. Can.' •• This gapant fight to obtain :restaurant ..,servi as advertised hy British' Railways, was reivitride by a meal and a letter of apology from the companYt 'which seems to prove that the best way to improve.. their sersice.siso complain—but to the right pcoOle;
Walpole Pay.flotel, eliftonville, Margate .t.