SIR,—Perhaps you or one of your readers can help me. i understand that the beating to death of certain Hola detainees by certain /iota wardens is estab- lished, but that nobody is to be charged because it cannot be ascertained which blows caused death nor who struck which blows. Have I goethe facts straight so far?
If I have, then is that the law?. If a man were beaten to death by a known dozen Teddy boys, for instance, could they not be charged merelrbeeause they did the job collectively? (I take it -that the status of the beater has no bearing: I mean that warders have no privilege to beat to 'death Her Majesty's subjects, though in prison, at their own discretion.) • .•
If it is not the law, are we dependent upon the Government to bring the law into operation? If so. we are in dire straits; non-separation of judicial' and executive powers is harmless only when the Govern- ment is very honest. And if some degree of murdef (for instance) were established against the warders, accessory charges might possibly be brought against eminent, perhaps very eminent, persons.
If it is that the law is being allowed to sleep, does any machinery exist by which a private citizen can force it into action.1—,-Yours faithfully,