'VICE" PROSECUTIONS ' Sia,-skeports of large-scale 'vice' prosecutions in various
parts of the country again force attention to the "bovernmeni's disregard or the 'Wolfendee Report, Sinue most of the trials considered news' worthy by the press concern minors or public tills." cOndlict, it* is (finely to emphasise-that all the discus. sion Of. the past eighteen months seems in no way id, have modified the-severity with .which those convicted of consenting h.omosexual behaviour in private are treated by the 'Courts. At the Old Bailey this week• for instance, two young men of previously un' blemished character were .given nine months' Or prisonment apiece after pleading guilty to charge! based on their own voluntary statements. The judge, in imposing this sentence, said he took fully into account that they could not help their homosextI31 tendencies, that there was.a genuine mutual attach' ment between them, and that they had not mist' hayed in public or corrupted anybody: and he
accordingly being as lenient as possible!
It would doubtless be sanguine to hope for all marked change in judicial attitudes while the lag" remains unaltered. Surely cases such as this call fill' strong and sustained public .condemnation a 3 humanitarian Home Secretary's wilful blind eye t° the claims of an unfortunate minority.--Yours faith'