Tut THEATRES. —We can but ill spare our time of *ace
this week for Theatrical matters; of which, luckily, there has been very little to call for our notice. The large Theatres have been not extraordinarily barren ; and with the exception of the revival of Brutus at Drury Lane, which we are glad of an excuse to avoid criticising,ll our novelties are In the prospective. At Drury Lane, a new comic piece by Mr. THOMAS HAYNES BAYLY, entitled Decorum, is to be produced this evening, with FARREN, HARLEY, &c. ; and "various other novelties," includ- ing Mr. WEBSTER'S Listonian farce of Highways and Byeicays, are "in preparation."
At the Opera House Miss PATox is engaged for forty nights for one thousand pounds ; and will make her first appearance as prima donna a fortnight hence in a new part. Gfi Ullimi Giorni d; Pompei will next be produced; and Mr. Masox's Gerald° will immediately follow.
The Minor houses have been sprinkling the ocean of play-bills with innumerable small craft of their own carpentery. At the Queen's theatre, a burletta by Mr. LUNN, called the Merry Wives of Barbican (the principal parts by Mr. RUSSELL and Mrs. Humnr); and a musi- cal burletta, bearing the strange title of Mrs. G. (with a strong cast, in- cluding RUSSELL, FORRESTER, and Mrs. GLOVER)' have appeared since our last notice. The Adelphi has given birth to Kind Intentions, and Bringing Home the Birds. At the Olympic' we are sorry to an- nounce the production of a musical farce, from the French of Le Nouveau Seigneur, with the title of a Duke for a Day; which has nothing to re- commend but the novel feature of Madame VESTRIS'S legs in male attire. We feared it would come to this. The war of heels versus head, breeches versus brains, is now recommenced with redoubled fury, and will play sad havoc amongst all the silly old beaux of this most silly city.