On the 22nd inst. at Waterford, the lady of Lieutenant-Colonel WILLEAR YIN. CENT, of the East India Company's service, of a son. At Hanover, the lady of JOHN TAYLoR, Esq. of a daughter. On the 24th ult. at Spetchley, Worcestershire, the lady of ROBERT DEREELEY, jun. Esq. of a son. At Sheffield Place, the lady of the Honourable CHARLES PETRE, of a daughter. At Torquay, In Devonshire, the lady of EDWARD ROLLER, Esq. of a son. In Mansfield Street, Lady SARAH INGESTRE, of a daughter. On the 25th ult. at Stevenson, Lady SINCLAIR, of Murkle, of a daughter. On the 1st inst. in Park Street, Grosvenor Square, Lady HENRY TUYNNE, of ason. MARRIAGES.
On the 1st inst. at Edinburgh. by the Rev. Dr. Brunton, JorrN BLACK, Esq. mer- chant, Leith, to MARGARET, eldest daughter of James Ai kman, Esq. Edinburgh. On the 26th inst. at St. George's, Bloomsbury, J. R. YGLESIAs, Esq. of San Se- bastian, in Spain, to Lo ISA, daughter of the late Anthony Parkin, Esq. Solicitor of the General Post Office.
At Llanfair, Anglesey, Joust WILLIAMS ELLIS, Esq. eldest son of the Rev. Thomas Ellis, of Tanyrallt, Bangor, to HARRIET ELLEN, only child of James Henry Clough, Esq. of Plas Llanfair, in the county of Anglesey. On the 21st Inst. in Booterstown Church, RICHARD Reaves, Esq. barrister at law, to MARY, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Robert Conway Dobbs.
At Ealing, ALEXANDER COBHAM COBHAM, Esq. of Shinfield House, Berks, to JANE HULSE, second daughter of Richard Chambers, Esq. of Cradley Hall, and formerly of Whitborne Court. both in the county of Hereford. On the 1st instant, in St. George's, Hanover Square. the Rev. THOMAS HODGSON ILES, eldest son of the late James Iles, Esq. Sovereign of Armagh, to SusANNA,
daughter of the late Rev. Timothy Mangles, of Aisthorpe, in the county of Lincoln. In Dublin, WILLIAM HENRY WILSON, Esq. 3rd Dragoon Guards, to Louisa. youngest daughter of the late Richard Le Hunte, Esq. of Artramon, county of Wexford. On the 1st inst. at Trinity Church, LEONARD MORSE COOPER, Esq. Captain in the 11th Light Dragoons, to EINMA, youngest daughter of the late W. Walter, Esq. of Devonshire Place. On the 1st inst. at South Stoneham, Capt. G. H. C. MAiNwARINO, of the Royal Artillery, to ELIZABETH, widow of M. Hoy, Esq. of Thornhill, in the county of Hants, and daughter of the late A. H. Bradley, Esq. of Gore Court, in the county Of Kent.
On the Sad Lost, at the parish church of St. Illary.le.hone, by the Bev. Bryant Burgess. JOSSPR WOOD to MARY ANN PATOIS. , On the 3rd inst. HENRY T. LANE, Esq. of Middleton,Sussex;To JAN, (lie daughter of Charles Lambert, Esq. of Fitzroy Square. • • . DEATHS.- • • On the 23rd ult, at his house in the Royal Crescent, Rath, in the 76th year of his age, Sir Joust PALmlia AcbAsin, Bart. of Fairfield, in the county of Somerset. At Brixton, Mrs. SMITH, many years an luhabitant of Clapham, at the advanced nge of 102.
At his residence at Bristol, the Rev. ROBERT HALL, aged 69. On the tot inst. in Hanover Street, J. F. CAWTHORNE, Esq. M.P. for Lancaster. On the 27th ult. in Upper Berkeley Street West, MARY ANNETTE MOLE.SwORTH, in her 24th year, granddaughter of Charles Viscount Ranelagh and Robert Viscount Molesworth.
On the lot inst. at Brighton, RICHARD %Vests stE e, Esq. son of the Marquis *Wellesley.
On the 1st instant, at Gortin, the residerre of hie son-In-law, in the 91st year of his age, the Rev. JAMES TAYLOR, sixty-tire years Minister of the Presbyterian Cons,reeation of Convoy. •
On the 17th Jan. at Malta, ELIZABETH JESIIMA. Countess Dowag r of Errol, wife of the Right Hon. John Hookham Frere, of Roydon, Norfolk.