The Recorder presented his report to the King in the
Council held on Wednesday, ut St. James's Palace. Seven prisoners,capitally con- victed, were reprieved ; and John Pegsworth was ordered to be exe- cuted on Tuesday next, fur the murder of Ready, the tailor.
At the Hatton Garden Office, on WIAIWSday, Mrs. Newman and Julia Newman, her daughter, were committed to take their trial on live distmet charges of theft. It would appear from the evidence given before the Magistrates, that these two women, far removed from want, and in the receipt occasionally of eou-iderable sums of money, have for some time been systematically engaged in the plunder of lodging- house-keepers and their fellow lodgers. They are the same persons who, some weeks ago, accused a Mrs. Rubinson, who lived in the bailie house with them, of a rubbery which it is certain had never been committed.
Luke Stockwin was committed to Newgate on the 5th of Novem- ber 1835, by the Court of Bankruptcy, for refusing to answer the questions of the Coultas to certain money paid to blur by a bankrupt. When the present Sheriffs came into office, they found than great com- plaints had been made by the Prison-Inspectors, of the improper classification, or rather non-classification, of prisoners in the gaol of Newgate; and in compliance with the regulutions'of the Inspectors, they moved Stoekwin from the ward in which he had been confined iu common with persons who were charged with offences of u different description, and put him into a room where he had (what the Inspectors considered it to be) the advantage of being alone. The prisoner was allowed a certain portion of time for exercise in the yard, and the apartment allotted to him was large ; but soon after his separation from the other prisoners, he began to complain of his solitary condi- tion, and gradually sank under it, and expired on Monday last.