5 MARCH 1837, Page 9


Srnett I:season.. Fount.. Arersvoott.

The Karla:retinas of the wick havelnen trifling and unimportant. The pres. sere hit let Isi y perms at In.' to be opt-lilting urn the smekholders. as stock Y been di... a Nino Ili. istarLet 10 11 go atter rxtrnt flout it conk{ he aleoched ; Ana co Pod too tit ti e &fres. t tie 'ferule u the Fa we to. Al and the Account, or la. it b n • 11. cally cared ) the Co lll i l nation. has hoorssi d ; the rate Owen to d.. viol. Canso!. until the A pi il Acts out !wisp 7 16 per vent., Which is equal In an it 'Crest of t tally 46 ter Ir. nt per anuntit. This l• the Mae letnink able, am, emit g all La seal cloy o1 uu net', the /tem:toll Ito Wd. 111thi' rco Day 1.1.1:t 11. flap ntly 10 drive tl e rice f r Money higher than the auotatii n foi Account. Ibe lust mit ices fit nt Ateeri• a speak of a ti•e ii, the eselumgc• nn d the shit Went of I nib llll to this et tarty ; but oto rates have not hypo sell la re as the Amend for bills stAl centit nee. whirl' most prevent during its x st. tire any rise in them. The lotion ing notice was yesterday issued by the Bank Directors.

" The Got el no and Company of the Built of Enelstal do hereby give notice. that en end no, r tie '21.1 1101 Mill he Wad?. 10 tereise apitications nit. luau, 01.00 the nil l0ttd b lie oi racial, a,. not I n•ine days to run. Iv, b I, ate. lo nTaid in 14 1..1, le tam IS h April to at cillt joleno.1 at the rate of 5 pi cent I er atnum. aid to te for sums of tot less than tiOUel. each."

'Re tidy cilcomstarice uoltly of rework here is. that the advances have genera la Itu1 NI "Bills Of LX110/Ioye, Exch. quer Rills. Indio Bonds, and Who' vii.11,11 It ticulities," ViliWit always incluthal all descriptions of English Stuck ; 1 ot the hn tent etas n a dation. being only upon 11111 of exeloinge, will be • milt 1) ct Ebb.4 to the met email,- %%told, as t -I ■ will be Ille only class of capitalists u Lo as holding bills of • arhatige ran avail themselves of it. The annual genital meeting of the ploprietorm of the Nutt hern and Central 'Bank was held on Thursday, last week, at Blanchester. The report of the actual condition of the affairs of the Company was as follows.

Total profits (including Premiums on `hares issued. amountinv, to

ILL.&L 144. I from the commencement of the Bulk, 1711' of ,larch

1834. to the 31st December last £189,581 6 8 Dividends .413.794 2 1 laterest to the Batik of Englauil 3.306 0 0

law cietran 1.200 0 0— 9i.290 2 1

Profit, exclusive of had Debts .••

Bad (bans and Losses nt the thirty nine. Branches. estimated at 97,9791 Its ld leaving the tutted hiss [wen the capital subscribed

by tile :Shareholders .E15.687 17 6

The report glances at prospective losses. and estimates that they will in the whole amount to from 15s. to 11. per abate. The circulation Was stated an only eo,00te. Of the thirty-nine branches., twenty-five had been disposed of, and thirteen were On the point of discontinuance. Considerable discussion oc• mated at the meeting as to the fairness of the report ; but uo facts were brought tome' d to invalidate its correctness.

A meeting (Stile Shareholders of the London and Westminster Bank was held on Wednesday. From the report, it appear. that the Company is in a condition to pry a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum upon the amount of its capital ; and that rumours of the large hisses incurred by its connexion with the Northern and Central Bank are unfounded ; the whale of the bad deka, during the three years that have elapsed from its establishment, being about OWL, and the ultimate loss, it is supposed, will not exceed 16001. or 1700/. In the Foreign Market, the transactions hare been on the same limited scale le in the English. The Dutch Funds are heavy, in anticipation of the ap- proaching loan; and some large parcels have been brought to nnieket. Spanish Stuck has oscillated between 24 and 26i; having been principally governed in its variations; by the fluctuations of the French tad Dutch Markets. Several sales have been effected on the behalf of foreign holders, who do not seem to anticipate so good an effect upon the prices of the Stock from die con- templated tnilitaly movement as our speculators.

Pot tuguese Stuck has been rather heavy, but the transactions in it lave been very few. The Railway Share Market continues very much depressed ; and the de- cline in the London and Birmingham Shales has exceeded 201. Southampton and Great Western have also declined about 51. per share, and there does not

appear any immediate prospect of improvement. Some of the Banking C - panies' shares are in demand, especially those of the Australasian; the Di- rectors of which have determined upon augmenting their capital by the issue of 5,000 new shares of 401. each. The old shares, upon which the 40/. has been paid up, are now selling at 181. to 141. per share prem. ; and the new, upon which the first instalment of 10!. will become due on the 15th instant, are at 61. to 71. prem. Before the issue of the new shares, the premium upon the paidmp shales varied from 181. to 301. There has been some inquiry after the shares of the London and Westminster Bank ; but it has not led to any improvement in the price, which is from i to 2i prem.

SATelinse. roCtt &Moen.

Consols close A per cent. higher titan in the morning. The Foreign Funds generally, although a little firmer, are without material alteration. In addi ion to the failure announced this morning, we have to notice another—that of an extensive house in the actual trade, which has also occurred. The amount of bills which have become due to-day at the vat ious bankers is larger than on any retailer day for .(111W time past : but, with the comparatively trifling exceptions tenvo ailed, d to, all has gene off well.

3 per 0*(11.1.01130h IN I 1

Ditto for Account S91 90

3 per Cent. Reduced shut New 34 filer Ceut Anus exaliv 971 1

Bank Stock — loilla 'took - -- &reneguer Milli 26 28pr Belgian 5 per Cents 1024

'Brazilian 5 Isar Coate 83 116

82,291 4 7


The morning has been passed in the usually inactive manner itt which all Saturday moroings generally are, and scarcely one description of English or Foreign Stock has varied from the opening price. Considerable interest I as been excited today, on which, as being the 4th of the month, a large a:moot of Foreign and inland bills become due; and it is anticipated that some failures may take place: one has already been declared of a very old and respectable houve, although nut of very extensive business.

The Railway Shale Market is nearly in the same state as yesterday ; but there, as well as in the Stuck Market, the quotatiuns are almost nominal.

Danish riper Cents.

Dutch 21 per Cents

Mexican O per Cent p.

Ditto 5 per Cent. 143r, uctip

l'tussiatt(ISIS) 5 per Ceti

Russian (l',22) 5 per Cott.

Spanish (lit '4) 5 per Cent 741 54 521 53 t8f 9 I 2 511

14'71 1i14

231 6