There has been some little bustle at the Stock Exchange during the week, in consequence of the shutting of the various Stocks upon which the dividends become due in April; and some considerable money transactions have occurred, but without giving rise to any extensive fluctuation, the extreme variation in the _prices in the English Stocks not having exceeded 4 per cent. The demand for Three-and-a-half per Cent Stocks has continued; but it has not caused any improvement in price, for though these Stocks have been scarce during the whole week, the price of New Three-and-a-half per Cents is not higher than it was some time ago, and Reduced Three-and-a-half, which in the course of last week had reached 100, has not been quoted during the last few days higher than 993, which was the quotation upon the day when the books closed. Bank Stock has improved; and was on Tuesday, when the Stock shut, done at 170 and 171, but a bargain has since occurred by special transfer at 170. The in- telligence last received from India appears to have produced an unfavourable effect upon East India Stock, which has fallen, and has been quoted as low as 243. The premium upon Exchequer Bills, has risen to the extent of 6s. The price of these securities, which was on Monday 24s., has today been as high as 30s. This improvement is ascribed to the determination adopted by the Government with respect to the forged or repudiated bills; for though nothing could be known officially upon the subject before today, it seems clear from the recent rise, that the intentions of Government had been guessed at. That they were not generally known, however, was evident from the alarm that pre- vailed among some of the holders yesterday afternoon, when a rumour prevailed that the Government had come to a determination hostile to the claims of the holders.
Commercial affairs are, if possible, more gloomy than ever. Intelligence was this morning received of the stoppage of Messrs. WIGNEY, the well-known bankers of Brighton ; an event which occasioned- very great surprise, as the father of the present bankers is known to have left a large fortune. This dis- aster is attributed to some unsuccessful speculations in cotton and in Railway Shares. Another large failure has occurred at Bristol, of a firm whose liabi- lities are stated at 700,000/. Two or three London failures, though of minor houses, are also reported.
The business of the Foreign Market has been chiefly confined to transac- tions in the Mexican, the Columbian, and other South American Bonds; all of which have advanced considerably. Mexican Bonds, which were on Satur- day at 351, have been today done at 39, and close at 383 9. By the last ar- rival, a letter was received from the agent of the Bondholders Committee in Mexico, giving a very satisfactory account of the state of affairs generally, and particularly of the punctual observance by the Government of thew engagement to set aside a percentage of the amount received for customs-duties towards the liquidation of Dividends, and stating that a sum of 150,000 dollars might be soon expected on account of the Bondholders. Messrs. LIZARDi have adver- tised their readiness to pay the Dividend which will become due on the 1st of April. This payment will only be made on those Bonds from which no Coupon has been detached ; and it will be necessary in presenting Coupons for pay- ment that the one for the 1st April 1842 should be accompanied with those of the preceding four years, which are to be converted into Deferred Stock, in accordance with the resolutions of the last general meeting of the Bondholders. This measure has been rendered necessary from the circumstance of many of the Bondholders having sent their Coupons to Mexico, where they were re- ceived in payment of the customhouse duties.
The Colombian have risen more than 2 per cent, and have today been as high as 243, but have since receded to 24, and after being at 25a, again close at 244 I.
We were in error last week in reporting the arrival of the Tay steamer ; which is still due. She sailed from St. Thomas's on the 26th January, was due on the 28th February, and is daily expected.
Buenos Ayres Bonds have been done at 23, being a rise of 3/ per cent ; Pe- ruvian at 164, an improvement of 1 per cent ; while Cuba Bonds have risen to 78. The improvement in Mexican Stock has given an impulse to the Non- Dividend South American Stocks.
The Northern European Bonds have been steady, without any business of importance. Russian Bonds are now quoted ex dividend.
The transactions in Spanish Active have been trifling; and, after declining to 241, the closing price of today is the same as that of Monday, viz. 24 4f. Portuguese Bonds are about 1 per cent above our last prices; though we can- not report any transactions of importance in them.
The Railway Shares are generally higher, and a considerable degree of busi- ness has occurred in them during the week. The greatest improvement has been in those of the Great Western, which have risen about 4/. per Share ; having been done both yesterday and today at 90 ex dividend, equal to a pre- vious quotation of 91/. 19s.
The Consol-market is firmer this morning, and the price for Money has reached 894; and though there have been sellers at 894 for Account, there are now buyers at 893. Exchequer Bills are the same, viz. 28s. to 30s. The Mexican Stock is firm at the closing price of yesterday, viz. 384 9; and Co- lumbian are better, being quoted at 241 3. The other South American are also in request : Buenos Ayres, 22 4 ; Chaim, 74 to 6; and Peruvian, 161 17. The debate in the House of Lords and Lord ABERDEEN'S declaration have given an increased value to Spanish Stock ; which, after being at 253, is now 25 to 4. The others are at yesterday's quotations. The business in the Railway Shares has been as follows: Great Western, 90; Ditto, New, 624; Ditto, Fifths, 104; Grand Junction, 183; Brighton, 36; Manchester and Birming- ham, 29; Midland Counties, 20; North Midland, 67.
The English Funds close at the morning's prices. Exchequer Bills had been done at 33s. prem., closing at 31s. to 33s. prem. India Stock is lower, and has been done at 241 for Account, which Is equal to at least 239 for Money. In the Foreign Market, the Mexican speculation has received a check by the sale of 20,0001 Stock for Money ; and the price fell from 394 to 384, closing at 383 3. Columbian have been at 25, but close at 243 4. The intelli- gence from Portugal has given firmness to the Bonds of that country ; and the closing prices are about I per cent above those of the morning. Spanish Ac- tive has been to 243, but closes at 25 to 4. It is now reported that the ar- rangements for the conversion are completed, and that the Dividends will be advertised on Monday. The following transactions in the Railway Shares have occurred during the afternoon : Great Western, 893; Gosport, 584; South-western, 5/31r 9; Birmingham, 176; South-eastern and Dover, 261; Manchester and Leeds, 754.
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 894 894 1 abut Columbian 6 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents
Dutch 24 per Canis 244 4 82 3
52 1 34 per Cent Ditto shut Mexican 5 per Cent. Coned. 381 14 New 34 per Cents
983 9
PortugueseMegency 5 perCts. 334 Bank Stock 170 l Ditto New 6 per Cents 1841. 271 84 Exchequer Bills 3133pm. Ditto 3 per Cents
191 204
India Stock 241 2 Russian 5 per Cents 113 15 Brazilian 5 per Cents 65 6 Spanish (Active) 25 4
Belgian 5 per Cents
1024 33
The quarterly average of the weekly liabilities of the Bank of England to the 1st instant shows, as compared with that of last month, an increase in every item ; the Circulation having increased 133,0001, the Deposits 448.00W. The Securities 819,0004 and the Bullion 450,000/. As compared with the cor- responding return for last year, it exhibits an increase in the circulation of 296,900/., and in the amount of bullion of 1,611,0001.; the circulation of March 1841 being 16,372,100/. against a present amount of 16,769,000L, and the bullion of the same period being 4,076,000/. against a present amount of 5,687,000/. The quarterly averages, however, afford but an imperfect criterion of the actual state of the affairs of the Bank ; as will be seen by their com- parison with the monthly returns of the circulation. Thus, the average of the circulation of the Bank of England for the four weeks ending the 5th February is 17,402,000E, while that given in the return for the thirteen weeks ending the 1st instant is 16,769,000!.: the bullion then is given as 5,602,000/., and now as 5,687,000; although it is known that a large increase of the amount in store has occurred since the return of the 5th instant. Both returns as given in the quarterly averages cannot be considered accurate.