5 MARCH 1870, Page 1

King Louis of Bavaria has written a birth-day letter of

congra- tulation to Dr. Dollinger, in which he expresses his hope that Dr. Dollinger will continue his bold fight against the Ultramontaues. As the fight cannot go on upon the same basis long unless the (Ecumenical Council refuse to define the dogma of Papal Infalli- bility,—which King Louis probably hardly expects,—and Dr. Dollinger's persistence would, of course, mean schism if continued after the Council has spoken, this letter looks very like the ex- pression of a Bavarian hope of formal schism,—a more formid- able suggestion by far, if it be at all well founded, from the most Catholic country in Germany, unless it be the Tyrol, than any threatenings of secular Governments as to their concordats or the withdrawal of troops.