The whirligig of Time has never brought about its re-
venges with more picturesque effect than by bringing a coloured member for Mississippi, Mr. Revels, to that same place in the Senate which was last occupied by Mr. Jefferson Davis. Mr. Revels took his seat this day week (26th February), being admitted by "a strict party vote" of 48 to 8. He is the first negro who ever sat in Congress, and has reached the Senate at a single step. Ten years ago, when Mr. Buchanan was still Pre- sident of the United States, and the South hardly yet prepared even for Secession, Mr. Revels was one of those "weak things of the world, and things which are not," which God has called to confound the mighty things of the world, and to bring to naught the things which are. Surely the deliverance of Israel from Egypt itself was not more conspicuously a work of Divine power,—or more conspicuously disregarded as a sign by the gene- ration which witnessed it.