Mr. Lowe and the brewers are going in for a
tussle. In 1862, Mr. Gladstone abolished the duty on hops, but imposed a tax of 3d. per barrel on the brewers by way of licence. This was, in fact, to impose a light duty on beer ; but the brewers say they cannot get the money out of their customers, which, with all deference to them, must be nonsense. Why do they not ask 3d. a barrel more? If that slight increase brings in fresh competition, that is to the benefit of the public. Their true grievance was, we suspect, mentioned by Mr. Baas. The old duty on hops compelled the growers to sell their hops quickly to raise money. Now they combine and hold on till the brewers have to pay the old price for hops and the 3d. too. But is not that compensated by the steady increase in the consumption of beer ? Suppose Mr. Lowe abolishes the Malt Duty, puts 5s. a barrel on beer—the manu- facture is 20,000,000 barrels—and prohibits private brewing, would that suit them? It would suit the Exchequer.