Jacob Spinass, the Swiss porter of Buecker's Hotel, Finsbury, :accused
of killing Cecilia Aldridge, a young prostitute, was on 'Thursday found guilty and sentenced to death. The case as :summed up by Baron Channell resolved itself in two alternatives. The man admits that he killed the woman, and it is clear from the 'evidence either that he had not money enough to satisfy her, and drilled her for refusing him,—in which case his act was murder ; or there was a quarrel about money and blows were struck, one of which killed her, in which case, says the Baron, it was man- -slaughter. The jury inclined to the former view, but it is to be -observed that while, on the one hand, the position of the body .suggested murder, on the other, the woman had accepted money from Spinass, for a Swiss franc piece was found in her pocket. The ,truth is probably not known even to Spinass, who was nearly 'delirious with drink, and it is improbable that under such a doubt ,the capital sentence will be executed.