Nothing advances at Constantinople. The Ambassadors express their views, and
it is said the Emperor of Germany expresses his views in autograph letters to the Sultan, and the Grand Divan express their views, but none of these views are known, and none bring us nearer to a conclusion. A correspondent of the Times, "on intimate terms with all the diplomatists at Constantinople," writes, on February 23rd, that an Ambassador has told him that nothing is doing, and that the diplomatists are not responsible if there is war, which may be gossip or important information. The Times clearly thinks it the latter. As far as we can judge, the Sultan is gaining time ; is extremely afraid of insurrection in Albania ; dislikes the notion of peace ; dreads the idea of war ; and if no move- ment occurs in Asia, may end by sullenly refusing all concessions. But then there is much evidence that the long-threatened Arab movement, which menaces Abdul Hamid as Khalif as well as Sultan, and might, if successful, terminate his dynasty, is already on foot. If the Arabs stir in earnest, Constan- tinople will patch up any peace in Europe.