5 MARCH 1887, Page 21


The Journal of Education, 1886. (W. Rice.)—The annual volume of the Journal is as interesting as usual. A solid, well-conaidered opinion on all educational subjects that have come forward during the year may be found in it, and a number of interesting papers which have something more than an ephemeral value. Some of them might very well be reprinted. We may mention " School- mastering as a Profession," " Difficulties," and " The Philosophy of Education," a list which might easily be prolonged. It is interesting to see bow the ladies hold their own among the winners of the trans- lation prizes. Might we suggest to the editor that if he thought so badly of Lamartine's "Jeanne d'Are" as a "sot book" as to set a passage as a hopeless crux, it would have beau as well to have said something to that effect in the notice of an edition of that work early in the year ? The passage seems to have been a favourite one, for it attracted an unusually large number of competitors.