5 MARCH 1910, Page 3

An interesting outcome of the open-air treatment of con. sumption

is recorded by Lord Cheylesmore in an appeal published in Monday's Times. At the Frimley Sanatorium the patients have memorialised the Committee, expressing their "unanimous and earnest desire to be allowed to build and equip a chapel by their own labour " as part of their physical treatment. As the ability of the patients has already been tested by the erection of a concrete reservoir and in other ways, the Committee have resolved to avail themselves of their offer, but £2,500 will be required for material. It is to be hoped that a liberal response may be made to this appeal, which Lord Cheylesmore issues as chairman of the Committee of Management from the Consumption Hospital, Brompton, S.W. There is nothing of " the Government stroke" in the habits of the Frimley patients. They know the value of work.