5 MARCH 1937, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I was absent at Tangier when Professor J. W. Harvey's letter appeared in The Spectator of February 19th, in which he derides my " opinion of the relative responsibilities of France and Italy for intervention in Spain " as being " of no impor- tance to anybody but (myself)."

Had the Professor accompanied me he would, on the con- trary, have found how fully that opinion is shared by English- men living in constant touch with Spain. Furthermore, if on his return to England he could have had a glimpse of the con- tents of my postbag he would not for long have maintained his opinion of my opinion.

It is a little difficult to understand, though, how he assessed its value without either the journey or the glimpse !—Yours Stockbridge, Hants.