In Battlefield of the Gods (Allen and Unwin, ios. 6d.) Mr. Kelemen deals with various aspects of the ancient civilisations of Mexico. His object is to rouse interest in the few remaining monuments of the Mayas and Aztecs, which have certainly not received their due share of the attention of archaeologists and historians, and many of which are now falling into ruins or being carted away for building. His range is too wide to permit him to study in detail any particular subject, and he has chapters on the remains themselves, on ancient and modern explorers of Mexico, . on the Conquistadors and other greaf figures in ancient and' more recent Mexican history, as well as some account of modern MexicO. Obviously the book is too scrappy to satisfy the curiosity it rouses, but so far as it goes it contains a great deal of scholarly information, and, Mr. Kelemen always writes interestingly. The illustrations are numerous and good, and, if further proof were needed, leave no doubt as to the importance and unique interest of Mayan and Aztec architecture, wall- painting and sculpture. •