Knitted Brows
SIR,—Mr. Nevile Wallis is too often too naughty for words. Again he demonstrates (in reviewing my exhibition, February 26) his inability to come to terms with the aspirations of artists today. That Mr. Wallis should find the inclusion of ideas into painting a cause for 'knitted brows' is his own business, that he should ascribe that condition of perplexity to me is both inaccurate and unnecessarily hostile. In any case I have yet to meet Mr. Wallis, brow to brow.
It really isn't good enough to condemn my work as arbitrary without at least attempting to say why. If he just doesn't like it, that's another matter, and he should say so.
Poor Mr. Wallis. Isn't it about time he threw in the towel—the days of happy snaps and happy abstracts are past and the context within which we are now working is larger and more complex, it seems, than your critic can cope with. Science and technology loom large in that context—it looks like many dark days of gloomy brow-knitting ahead for Mr. Wallis.
20 Bolton Lane, Ipswich. Suffolk
ROY Ascorr