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TIIE Queen held a Court and Privy Council on Monday afternoon, at Buckingham Palace. At the Court, a deputation from the Society of Friends presented an address on the subject of slavery and the slave-trade: to which her Majesty responded, that she received the address with much satisfaction, and fully appreciated the benevolent efforts of the Society of Friends on behalf of the suffering and oppressed. Audiences were given to the Marquis of Lansdowne and Lord John Russell.
The Queen gave a state-ball at Buckingham Palace on Monday even- ing. The invitations included about 1,600 persons.
The Queen held a levee at St. James's Palace on Wednesday. The attendance was numerous, and included Prince Ernest and Prince William of Hesse Philippsthal. Sir Edmund Lyons had an audience in the Royal closet, on his return from Athens.
The Queen and Prince Albert drove to Kew on Saturday, and visited the Duke and Dutchees of Cambridge. On Monday, they received a visit from the Duke of Cambridge and Duke Augustus of Saxe Coburg Gotha. On Thursday, they spent a couple of hours at the Royal Aca- demy in Trafalgar Square. They went to Her Majesty's Theatre on Sa- turday and Thursday, and to the Royal Italian Opera on Tuesday.
Prince Albert went to Redstone Bill, near Reigate, on Monday, and laid the foundation-stone of a chapel for the Philanthropic Society's Farm School of Industry.
Prince Albert visited the Duke of Wellington on Tuesday, to congratu- late the Great Captain on the attainment of his eightieth birthday. The Dutchess of Kent visited the Queen Dowager on Wednesday, and went in the evening to the Opera Comique.
The Dutchess of Cambridge visited the Dutchess of Gloucester, at Gloucester House, on Monday. The Countess Erbach, and the Princesses Arndlie and Elise of Flohen- lobe Schillingfurst, took leave of the Dutchess of Kent on Monday, and have returned by way of Dover to the Continent.