SIR,—I think your suggestion (Spectator, April 28th) that any Voluntary school so desiring (providing, of course, that it was not the only school in the district) might have the right to return to the status quo ante 1902 a good one. As one who does not wish to "claim his pound of flesh," I would go further, and suggest that any one subscribing to such a school might have the right to claim back from the local educational authorities the amount of his subscription, limited, of course, to the amount of the Education-rate he has had to pay. I would further limit the sum returnable, say to £10, or the local educational authorities might be hampered in small towns, where there may be one or two large ratepayers. I greatly fear the Bishops are going to kill the Church of England ; and though I am a Nonconformist, I do not want
the Church to be killed.—I am, Sir, &c., P. H. H.