Women in the Church In his presidential address at the
annual assembly of the Baptist Union the Rev. Rowntree Clifford spoke very critically of the "prejudices concerning the sphere and action of women in church work and administration." In the same spirit in which Miss Maude Royden has recently and often declared her views, he complained that more than half of the best brainS and gifts in the life of the Church have not been able to find scope and expression. The experience of his, years of work in West Ham had convinced him that the ministry of women to women, girls and children was one of the greatest opportunities of the Church. - It , may well be argued that in this respect religious reformers , have lagged behind social reformers, who have discovered the value of work that may be done by women magistrates and women doctors. At the present time, when it is increasingly difficult to find a sufficient number of candidates for ordination in the Church of England it would be well worth while to consider the ways and means of admitting women to a more important share in its work. * * * • '*