5 MAY 1933, Page 39


The annual report of the Eagle, Star and British Dominions Insurance Company is an excellent one. The aggregate underwriting profits were better, while, briefly summarized, it can be stated that the profit from the Fire account was

(Continued on page 666.)

Financial Notes

(Continued from page 665.) £20,880 against £11,596 a year ago, from the Employers' Liability £4,966 against £2,185, from the Motor section £43,509 against £29,126; and from- the General Departinent S:79,467 against £68,942. In the Accident Department, however, the profit was £8,551 against £14,059. In the Geheral Depart. ment the underwriting profits were very satisfactory, repro. seating more than 20 per cent. of the premium income after adjustment of unexpired risks reserve. After providing for the year's dividend, the undivided profit balance carried for- ward increased- by nearly £59,000, and the thi4flend at the rate of 20 per cent. was same as for-the previous year. In the Life and Annuity Depactment new-policies• numbering 2,404 were issued,. assuring -0;294,431, of which £137,500 was reassured. -The new premiums _amounted to £85,025, of which 13,853 was reassured. The sum of 175,372 was received as consideration for new annuities.- Claims by:death nun'- bered • 1,472 lfdr £726,568 (includiag bonus). In addition • 6,757- policiei matured, assuring £1,134,530. The total net Premium income amounted to £834,513, and total interest earnings, after - deduction. of -income taxi amounted to 1639i379.