5 MAY 1933, Page 40


- In no country, perhaps, has the trade -.depression been more pronounced 9r more prolonged than-'m Canada, and isin view of that fact shareholders of the Hudson's Bay Company may well be satisfied With the statement of affairs which was put before them by the Governor, Mr: AShley Cooper, at the recent meeting. , The loss on trading, which in the previous year had amounted to £465,000, was reduced during the past year to £52,000, and while it seems useless to look for any great recovery in the prosperity of the company hutil"-Coiriditioni-dre very different in Canada, it is clear that the waiting time has been well utilized by the present Board of Directors not only' in 'economies :.but in ensuring the maximum efficiency of organization,' thereby placing the company in a strong position to take full advantage of better conditions in Canada.