For the moment, therefore, it is neither the Jews, nor
the Bolsheviks, nor yet the Social Democrats, nor even the Traitors of Versailles, who are the central enemy; it is Presi- sident Roosevelt who is Enemy No. One. By thus concen- trating the fears and hatreds of his people upon a remote objective, he hopes to lull anxieties in Western Europe, and in the breathing space thus acquired to concentrate his own attention, " in alter Ruhe," upon the weak links in our own chain of resistance. There are two such links. The first is Danzig. The second is Jugoslavia. Always we recur to this vicious circle which has been so admirably expounded in the Arrow. Our aim is to gain time without losing ground. The German aim is to gain ground without losing time. This conflict between the spatial and the temporal has in the last eighteen months been conducted to our extreme disadvan- tage. Today both space and time are running out. The " Volk ohne Raum" is becoming the " Volk ohne Zeit." How will Herr Hitler solve this problem? Did he stand alone, he might believe that in a forcible solution of the Danzig problem he could count upon that form of British escapism which hides among the bushes of " fair-play." But he is not alone. Italy, if a conflict occurs, must be made the agent provocateur. And Italian provocation will not be con- sidered " fair " even by those who still regard the Anglo- Itzlian agreement as a masterpiece of appeasement. It will be very interesting to observe how he copes with this dilemma.