5 MAY 1939, Page 24


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR]

Sut,—On the occasion of an article in your paper dated April 7th, 1939, by Monica Redlich, we beg to inform you that it must be due to a misunderstanding when it is said in this article that the Berlingske Tidende keeps her circula- tion dark. On the contrary, Berlingske Tidende was the first paper of all Danish newspapers and weeklies which asked for a public control of her circulation, thus creating the idea " net circulation " for Denmark.

In September, 1926, Berlingske Tidende asked the greatest and most well-known Danish revising firm, " Revisions—og Forvaltnings-Instituttet," from January Is% 1927, systematic-

ally to control the registers for the circulation, and to make regular bulletins concerning the net circulation of the Berlingske Tidende different editions.

On September 25th, 1927, the Berlingske Tidende was the first Danish newspaper which inserted an advertisement over one page, stating a net circulation for the first six months of the year 1927. The next paper which began to use the net circulation was Hjemmet, stating an analysis of the circulation in the summer, 1930.

According to Dansk Reklame for November, 1930, the three great papers Berlingske Tidende, Politiken and Hjemmet in August 193o, asked the Dansk Reklameforening to start the control of the circulations in practice, which was made on November 1st, 193o.

According to the truth it has to be mentioned that Dansk Reklameforening (which was founded by the administrator of the Berlingske Tidende) since its beginning in the year 1924 has been working at creating a Danish control of the circula- tion, but no doubt it was the application of the three papers which started the control in practice.—Yours faithfully, C. CHR. BEICICEVOLD.

"Berlingske Tidende," Pilestrade 34 Kobenhavn, K.