5 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 10



3 per Cent. Reduced 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account ..... 3.1 per Cent. Old ..........

3/ per Cent. New . . .

4 per Cent.. .....

Bank Stock .. . .....

Ditto L. A India Bonds .

Exchequer Bills, 10001... ..

Ditto, 5001. ..... Ditto, Small 812 2 8213 2/ S2 1 31


9911 192 16; 9-16 1 2 dis 7 6 S 9 10 821 1/ 83.1 2/ 831/12/3 9111 901 1921

16/ 9-1G 23 dis 78



823 893 1111 JO I .1 99/ 1 192 161 9-16 1 2 dis 78

8 10


91/ 1 82113 52p2113 89/ .3- 0023 1 993 i 83 192

16 9-163 12 dis 78 9 10 PUBLIC FUNDS. Safer. Mon. Tues.

813 3 it 521 it i3


84 824 82iiiiii


Duty included. Muscovades, Brown, perewt... 44s. 6d. to Middling

- Good 50 - 55 42 -

Fine Mauritius Molasses Duty not included. East India, Brown 0 — White 20


Per Quarter (imperial) of England and Wales, for the Week ending Oct. SM. Wheat ........0o,. 10d. I Ere 39s. 2d. Barley 36 2 I Bea is 41 3

Oats ...... .... 221t 1 Pens 43 7 Aggregate Average of the last Six Weeks, which regulate, Lilly, Wheat 60s.1.14. lt: e - ... 37s.10d.

Barley 37 11 11. sus 40 8 Oats ..........52 11 Nis 44 0 Duty on FOREIGN CORN for the resent Week. Wheat 268.8d. I lip' 140.0d. Barley 6 4 1Pes. ,,,,,,',.... 9 6 m Oats 13 9 f a I' 3 6


Town-made per sack 58s. to 63$

Seconds 53 - 58 Essex and Suflblk, on board ship 50 - 53 Norfolk and Stockton 45 - 50

HAY AND STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.) CUMBERLAND. Sarrrnirstn.

liar, Coarse Ditto 6040s. to 50s..... Os.to Os. Useful

Upland Ditto 60 - 75 .... 50 - GO 0 - 0 65 - 80 Clover 80 -110 .... 100 -120 Straw, Oat 0 - 0 - - - Wheat

30 - 36 30 - 36 Hay PORTMAN MARKET. WHITECOAPEL. Meadow

Clover 50 - 70 .... GO - 80 84 -100 84 -120 Straw, Oat ...... 0 - 0 - - - Wheat 30-86 .... 24 - 30


Wall's End, best E9s.0d.to 235.0d.

Inferior 25 3 - 28 0


To-day's market is largely supplied with Beef, but mostly of an inferior kind, and therefore sales are heavy, though what is good still fetches 4s. Other sorts nee lower. Minton is also plentiful, and the demand being flat, it has gone down full 4d. per stone front last Monday's market. Good Calves hare a ready disposal, though at no higher tem. than 5s. There continues to be no variation in Pork.

:Newsom's& LEADS/MALL.* SMITITTEMD.f Beef .... 2s. ed. to 3s. 4d..... 51. Od.to 4s. Od.

Mutton.. 3 6- 4 2 3 6- 4 10 Veal ... 3 4 - 5 0 .... 8 e - 5 0 Pork .... 4 4 - 5 4 5 0 - 0 0 Lamb 0 0 - 0 0 .... 0 0 - 0 0 • By the Carcass, per stone of Bibs. t Sinking the offal, per stone of albs.


Bohea per lb. Is. 91d.to Congou, Common 2 13 - — Middling ..... 2 2i - --- Best 2 5 Souchong a 8 Campo', Common ...... , 0 0 Twankay 2 li — Fine 2 8 Hy-son, Skin 2 21

— Common 3 0 - 8 II

-- Fine .... ......... 4 6 - 5 6 Duties on Teas below 26.90 per Cent. above es. 100


Jamaica, Triage . ....per mt. 65$. - Ordinary 74 — Good 76 — Middling 53 — Fine 96 Mocha 67 Duty not included. .to 745. Od. - 75 0 - 77 0 - 05 0 - 100 0 - 130 0 Is. 1011. 2 2 2 43 8 2 4 4 0 0 2 3 1 8 4


MARK LASH, Friday, November 4. We are moderately supplied with Wheat this week, and Monday's prices are very readily sup- ported. Barley, Beans, and Peas sell on quite as good terms; and Oats are rather better sale, owing to the shortness of the arrival. In other articles no variation.

(Per Quarter.) wheat, Red New 44 to 69 Maple. 42 to 44 Fine 68 - 70 White 36-40 White, Old .. 50 - 65 Boilers 44 - 48 Fine - 60 -711 Beans, Ticks 35 - 37 Super. - 76-70 Harrow 0- 0 live, New ..... 30 - 30 Old 42 -45 Old - - Bnrlev, Stained 20 -34 Malting 30 -44 Malt, Ordinary 59 -66 Fine 68-72 Peas, Hog -42


Gold-Portugal, in Coin ........per oz 01. Os. Ort.

- Foreign, in Bars 8 17 10± -- New Doubloons 0 0 0 Silver-In Bars, Standard 0 5 0 - New Dollars........ .......... 0 4 10 Oats, Feed 21 - 23 Fine 24 - 25 Poland 23 - 25 Fine 26 - 27 Potato 28 - 30 Fine 30 - 31 54 0



Raisins, Sultanas, ter et. Os. to 70s... 70s. to Os. — Smyrna, Black. 0 - 34 .. 40 - 0 .-- Muscatels ...... 0 - 0 -105 -140

— Bloom .85 - 0 .. 57 - 0 Currants 70 0 .. 66 - 0

Figs, Turkey 44 - 50 .. 52 - 54

French Plums ...... 0 - 0 .. 0 - 0

.... Imperials 90 - 0 .. 70 - 0 .-- Prunes 56 - 0 .. 45 - 0 Almonds, Jordan 124 12s. Od. i■iis Videntia 0 0 0

468. Od. MINING. 40 0 Sold October 27th at Truro.

57 0 AmoCuonptPeor B f OIroen 0 y . 130902.8001t.oin0s,.. 64

54 0 Average Price' .. ...... .......... 6 4 0 23 0 Average Standard 102 8 0

26 0 Quantity of Fine Copper 266 p fora ces 1 '13' I.

0 0 Average Produce


Iron, in Bars per ton. 61. 5s. OrLto — Hoops 4 15 0 -

--Pigs 8 0 0 - Steel ingots ...... 84o 1.1_,0 0:



Tins, in Bars

- Blocks ..... 88 1124 6 - Quicksilver........per b 0 01 113 -

13 - Copper, in Sheets

0 — Cake per ton 8510 100 00 5 — Lead, pig 18

or Sheet 14 10 0 -

sm.- Bars .. 14 0 0


Segars, in bond ..........per lb. 5A0d. to 13s. 04.

Havannah Leaf Domingo 9 - 3 8 St. Domin 0 0

Marylimil,°Light Brown 0 5 0 79

Virginian, Fine Black ...... 0 51 - 0 6

Kentucky Leaf, Stemmed 0 33 - 0 5 WINES.

Port, Old

Nboorne per pipe 23401. to 252- L ili01.

Ea - 28 Bucell 30 34 iiii Mountain, Good 25 - 90 Cargo 17 - 16

Ca—leavella 30 - 85 'fenerilfe, Good 0

— Cargo

Madeira, Direct 101 1 20 tio.eirtoin0dIi'aartieular ...... 50 - 55

— 24

East India 30 5 000

Spanish Red per tun 14 - 16 Sherry, Good

.......per butt 25 - 713

{lock ........ ........ ....per awn. 0 - 0 Claret, Good per Ithd. 26 - 50 Cargo 4 5 French White, Good ...... 30 - S6

Cargo ...... ........ 4 - 5 Duties- on French Wines 7.5.3d.

Duties on Cape Wines 2 0 }per Imp. Gallon. Duties on another Wines 4 10


Geneva, Hollands ..per gallon 2a. Gil. to Os. Oil. Brandy, Cogniac, 1st quality .. 4 4 - 4 6

2nd quality.. 3 6 - 0 0 3rd quality .. 3 4 - 0 0

Duty 223. (AL per Imp. Gallon. Rum, LecWards, C.P.per gallon 1 4 - I 5

— Demerara strong 1 6 - 1 7 -- Jamaica, 22 to 25, CCP 2 2 - 2 4

50, 0.1. 3 4 - 3 6 Duty 8s. 6d.-increase I IS per strength.


The 41b. Loaf 101d.

Butter, Cork per cad 98s. to 0101. — Carlow .....• • - . • ....... . 100 - 104

Cheese, Cheshire 40 - 70

Gloucester, Single 30 46

— Double. .... ...... 60 -- 66 Bacon, Middles 40 - 46 — Singed 50 - 54 Beef, India, New per tierce 51.123.04: — Prime Mess 4 15 0 Pork, India G 7 6

— Prime :less per barrel 3 7 6

— Second Quality 3 0 0


Beat Fresh, 14s. Od. to per doz.


New Potatoes (Ware) 21. Ss. to 81.10r. per ton.


Kent Pockets per cwt. 41. Os. to Sussex Pocket. ............ 4 4 - Esiex l'ockets

Kent Bags..............................4 0 - Sussex Bags ........ ....... 4 0 -

Essex Bags 4 2 -


e. al. a. rl. s. ed. Leonesa .. 2 0 to 3 0 Saxon Elee.4 6 to 7 0 Segovia 2 0 - 2 4 Ditto 1. 3 3- 4 10 Soria .. 1 8- 2 0 Ditto 2. 2 3- 2 9 Portugal . 1 0- 1 4 Do-Locks 1 3- 3 S Austrian . 2 9- 8 6 Do.1 'me° 1 3- 3 6 French ... 1 6- 3 0 D.Lambs 1 6- 4 6

Duty Id. perlb. above 15.-3d. below.


Butts, English Crop ....per lb. ls. 4d. to I

Foreign . 1 3 - Calf Skins, 36 to 401b.. per doz. 1 3 -

Ditto 50 to 701b. 1 9 - Small Seals, Greenland 1 8 - Large Ditto 1 2 - English Horse Hides ....per lb 1 0 - Spanish Ditto 1 2 -


Lamb Skins Os. Od.- Os. Od. Pulled 2 6 - 3 3 Downs 2 0 - 2 6


Best Heifers and Steers, per stone 2s. 6.1. to 28.10d. Middlings 2 2 - 2 4

1 9 - 2 0

1351ardibneacrYcalf.......... ...... each 6 0 - 0 0


s. d. s. d.

Candles ...per doz. 8 0 Soap Tallow 42 0

Inferior Melting Stull.... 35 0

Moulds 9 6 Ditto Rough 28 0 Town Tallow p.cwt.48 0 Yellow Soap 62 0

NI'ettteliowRussia.... 43 0 Mottled 68 0 N

44 0 Curd 72 0


Rape Oil, Brown .............. • .per ton 421. 61.

Relined 40 6 Linseed 27 10

Rape Cake........ ........ .. .. 5 10

Linseed Oil Cake at the Mill....per 1090 II 11


5 6 6 10 6 4 18 5 15 Ott.

7 a

11 83


10 0/. 5 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0
