5 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 12




Speech of Lord Clthf Justice Crocc,1625.

[Throughout the following Tables, those who voted in favour of the Reform Pill, on the motion for the second reading, are printed in CAPITALS ; those who rota against it, in Italics; those who give no rote are printed in the ordinary Roman character. The letter a denotes absent from the division ; female ; 1/1. minor ; p. voting by proxy.] Peng tte etirtr.

2.5. :A. 27. 113. Original Creation. Present Title. Family Nunn.

1264 B. De Roos B. De Roos . Pe Roos 1264 B. Le Despencer.... B. Le Despencer, a Stapleton

Oblearb tbe Sint. 1294 B. Saye and Sele....B. SAYE AND SELL: Fiennes 1295 B. Berkeley F. Berkeley, a Berkeley 1295 R. Grey de Ruthyn..B. Grey de Ituthyn,f. Yelverton 1295 B. Bergavenny......E. Abergavenny,a Nville 1296 B. Audrey. B AUDLEY .Touchct 1293 B. Clinton.......... B. CLINTON Trefusis 1.29S B. De Clifford B. DE CLIFFORD. Clifford Obtuarb the cirrant 1307 B. Daere B. PACKS Brand 1307 B. Delawarr E. Delarearr West 1308 B. Delozouche B Delazouche,f Curzon 1309 B. Strange E. SHREWSBURY Talbot 1313 B. Willoughby de B. WI txouoitay DE Etta:SDI' Barrell Eresby 1313 E. Lindsey .. E Lindsey, m Bertie (alma Os Etirtr.

1335 B. Courtenay E Devon, a. Courtenay 112cnrr ttc g i X t b . 1443 B. Stout-ten B STOURTON SfOUrtOil 1456 B. Stanley .........E. DERBY, p. .Stanley 1461 B. Hastings E. HUNTINGDON, p Hastings 1461 B. Ferrers V Hereford . Devereux 1470 B. Howard.... D NORFOLK Howard Rem tte f,..cbentt.

1492 B. Willoughby de B. Willoughby de Broke ... Verney Broke

Atm tte tIfightt.

1514 B. Herbert D. Beaufort Somerset 1525 E. flatland I). Rutland Harmers 1529 B. Winclsor.... ..... E Plymouth . Windsor

15341 V. Beauchamp 1). SOMERSET Seymour

;539 B. Russell ..........D. BEDFORD, p Russell

1539 B. St. John of BasinglI. Womaarrea ....... Paulett

Original Creation. Present Title. • ' Family Name.

29. 1550 B. Paget ..111. ANOLISEA Paget SO. 1551 B. Herbert .........E. Pembroke, a. ..,..,..Herbert • • • ham • B HOWARD OF EFFINGHAM . Howard 82. 1554 B. North E. Guildford . .. North


83. 1.559 St. John ...... .... :B. St. John of 131etsoe,m. Beauchamp

54. 1567 B. Buckhurst D. Dorset Germaine 55. 1571 13. Burleigh .. ...... M. Exeter' . ... . ... Cecil

Stl. 1572 B. Norris ...E. AbingdOn Beetle

87. 1572 B. Compton M. NORTHAMF TON . ..... .. . Compton 58. 1572 E. Lincoln 1) Newcastle Clinton • 59. 1579 B. flowarddeWaldenB: HOWARD DE WALDEN Ellis

40. 1579 B. Howard deWaldenE. SUFFOLK Howard

Simnel tbe "'int.

41. 1603 B. Cecil M. Salisbury 42. 1603 B. Spencer of Worm- '

leighton.. D. Marlborough Churchill 43. 1603 B. Petre.... . . B. PETRE ...Petra 44. 1603 13. Grey of Groby ...E. Stamford and. Warrington.. Grey. 45. 1604 B. Cavendish D. DEVONSHIRE Cavendish 46. 1605 B. Arundel B. Arundel .. Arundel ' 47. 1608 B. Clifton ..... ..... E. DARNI.k:Y ..Bligh . 46. 1615 B. Dormer B DORMER ....Dormer • 49. 1616 B. Stanhope ...... .. E. Chesterfield, p Stanhope 50: 1616 B. Teynham B TEYN El Am...... Curzon

5l. 1620 B. Fielding P. Ditxni cm Fielding

52. 1620 E. Brooke &WarwickE. Brooke and Warwick Greville

53. 1629 B. Montague. D. Manchester Montague

54. 1623 V. Maidstone E. Winchilsmt Batton55. 1694 E. Westmoreland., .E. Westmore:and Fans (natio tDe eirot.

53. 1626 B. Tufton .... ... .E. THASET . .... Tufton 57. 1626 33, Craven .... ... . E. Caav EN Craven 55. 1627. B. Poulett..... E. Poulett Poulett 59. 1627 B. Brudenell . E. Cardigan, p Brudenell 60. 1628 13. Coventry .. . ....E. Coventry Coventry

61. 1628 B. Strange 1) Atholl,« Murray

62. 1641 B. Bruce ...... ... . M. Aileshury Bruce 63. 1641 B. Capel .E. ESSEX .. Coningsby 64. 1643 B. Byron B BYRoN .. Byron • 65. 1644 B. Ward E Dudley .. Ward Charleo the gheontr.

66. 1660 E. Sandwich E. Sandwich, on .... .. Montague 67. 1661 B. Fownshend M. Townshend, a Townsbend

65. 1661 E. Carlisle E. CARLISLE Howard

69. 1661 B. Ashley E. Shrtetesbury Cooper

70. 1661 B. Cornwallis F CORNWALLIS Maim 71. 1663 E. Doncaster.. ..... D. Buccleugh Douglas 79. 1663 C. De Grey C. De Grey . Campbell 73. 1672 B. Clifford 13 CLIFFORD OF CliuDLEIGH.p.Clifford 74. 1673 V. Latimer 1) I eeds Osborne 75. 1675 D. Richmond .D. RICH:GOND . -Lennox 76. 1675 D. Grafton .. D. GRAFTON ' Fitzroy 77. . 1676 1). St. Alban's ......1). ST. ALBA:Nes ' • Beauclerk

78. 1651 B. Lumley ...... ...E. Scarborough, p. . " Satinderson

79. 1682 II. Thynne . .. DI Bath Thynne SO. 1682 B. Dartmouth F.. Dartmouth . . Legge

81. 1682 B. Ossulston . E Tankervite ' - Beimet

fflanito the gr...'Etoit.

89. 1636 B. Waldegrave ....X.. Waldegrace Waldegrave Z.Z 1 illiant the r hirb.

S3. 1689 E. Portland.... ....D. Po itTLAND, p Bentinck

84. 11N9 B. Ashburnhani..... E. Ashburnham, a. Ashburnham 85. 1669 111. Cholmondeley ...11.1. ChoThiondeley Cholmondeley

86. 1691 B. Villiers.... E Jersey Villiers 87. 1692 E. Albemarle E. ALBEMARLE Keppell 88. 1699 B. Lempister . E. POMFRET Fermor 89. 1699 B. Barnard M. CLEVELAND Vane


90. 1703 B. Guernsey . E. A ylesforel . . Finch' -01. 1703 B. Gower M. STAPP() rtD,p. . ... ... Cower M Hertford Conway

92. 1703 B. Conway

.93. 1703 B. Hervey M. Bristol.. Hervey 94. 1706 B. Pelham E CHICHESTER Pelham

05, 1706 B. Cowper E Cowrca Cowper

96. 1711 E. Oxford E. Ox Soar, ....... ........... Harley 97. 1711 I). Brandon 3). HAMILTON Douglas 98. 1711 B. Boyle...... ...... E. Coax and °Racal- 99. 1711 13. Hay I" Drummond Boyle)r u nz mond

100. 1711 B. Middleton ....... 13. .31 iddleton, a Willoughby

101. 1711 13. Bathurst E Bathurst Bathurst 1119. 1711 E. Ferrers F. Ferrers Shirley 103. 1712 V. Bolingbroke.-- Ir. BoLtatonaortx...... St. John OtOrge the girot.

104. 1714 B. Harborough E. Harborough, a Sherard

105. 1716 13. Onslow ........ . E. Oxs LOW Onslow 106. 1716 13. Cadogan ...... , E. Cadogan, a Cadogan 107. 1716 B. Romney-. . ...E. ROSIN EV . ...... . Marshall'

108. 1716 B. Parker ...... .... E. ..Getedeeffe/d, p Parker 109. 1717 B. Stanhope . I:. St anhope, a Stanhope

110. 1718 B. Cobham D. Buckingham Temple

n ple 111. 1720 13. Wallop ...... ...E. Portsmouth, a

112. 1720 B. Boscawen .......E. Falmouth.. Boscawen

113. 1720 V. Torrington .V. Torrington, m Byng

114. 1720 B. Docie..... .... . B. Ducts Morton 115. 1720 B. Clinton.... ..... . E. FORTESC HE, p. Fortescue 116. 1721 E. Graham . 1). Montrose, p ' Graham I i7. 1723 B. Walpole ... E. Orford Walpole

112. 1725 B. King., .. , .B, KONG King

Ororlie the giecontr.

119. 1728 B. Hobart.. ... ..... .E. Baca monast su I RE, p. Hampden 120. 1728 B. Monson ...B. Monson Monson

121. 1729 B. Harrington E. Harrington, a ...Stanhope 122. 1733 B. Hardwicke E. Hardwicke ...Yorke

123. 1733 13. Talbot... ...E. Talbot Talbot 124. 1741 B. Montfort.- - .... B. hioNsteowr Bromley 125. 1741 B. I lchester. ....... E. ILCHESTER Strangeways

126. 1742 B. Milton... ........ E. Fitzwilliam, a . Fitzwilliam

127. 1742 B. Edgecombe E. Mount Edgecombe, p.... ..... Edgecombe

128. 1747 V. Leinster -

129. 1747 V. Folkstone E. RADNOR Fitzgerald -D. LEINSTER


130. 1747 B. Soberton F I ITCHFIELD Anson 131. 1749 B. Ponsonby E. BESHOROUOH ....PonsOnby 132. 1749 E. Northumberland .1). Northamberland,p. .. .. Percy

133. 1749 B. Cockermouth.....E. Egremont, a ....Wyndham

134. 1756_ B. Harwich.... M.1)0 warsniaz • Hill


81. 1554 B. Howard of Effing- Cecil

Original Creation. Percent Title. Family Name.

155. 1756 B. Hyde E. CLARENDON Villiers• 136. 1756 B. Mansfield ' E. Mansfield .. . Murray 137. 1760 B. Wycombe M.LANSDOWNE Petty 139. 1760 B. Sondes B. SONDES, p ... -Watson

Olieorge the Chia.

139. 1761 B. Spencer . . E. SPENCER, p Spencer 140. 1761 B. Mt. Stuart H. Bute . .. Stuart

141. 1761 B. Grantham .......B. Grantham Weddell

142. 1761 B. Grosvenor - . ,..111. WESTMINSTER Grosvenor 143. 1761 B. Scarsdale........ B Searsdate,p.. - Curzon 144. 1761 B. Boston ....,.....B. Boston Irby

145. 1761 B. Chatham ........E. Chatham, a . , .. Pitt

146. 1762 B. Holland ....B. HOLLAND Fox 147. 1762 B. Lovel and HollandE. EGMONT, p ... Perceval 148. 1762 B. Vernon . • - . .... B. VERNON Vernon 149. 1765 B. Camden ..,. . ... M. Camden ... , Pratt 150. 1765 B. Digby ...... E. Digby Digby 151. 1766 V. Maynard , ..V. Maynard . .Maynard 152. 1776 B. Hamilton. .D. ARGYLE ...... ...... .. ..Campbell 158. 1776 B. Hawke . B HAWKE, p Hawke 154. 1776 B. Amherst.... ..... E. A mil E a ST Amherst ' 155. 1776 B. Brown-low' E. Brownlow ... Cast 156. 1776 B. HarroWby E. Harrowby Ryder 157. 1776 B. Rivers . B. Rivers, p . . Rivera 158. 1776 B. Fol6, - .13. Fouts" .. Foley .

159. 1778 B. Th'irlow.... ..... B. Thurlow, en Thurlow

160. 3780 B. Loughborough ... E. Rossiya Erskine 161. 1720 h. Talbot.... • • . ....B. yeatvor ....... ...Rice 162. 1780 13. Walsingham... -13. Walsinghum . De Grey 163. 1780 B. Bagot .17 ' B Bigot . . . . Bagot 164. 1730 B. Southampton.. ..B. Southampton ... ..... .... .. Fitzroy 165. 1780 B. PorcheSter.......E. Carnareort .. ... .. ... ...... Herbert 166. 1782 B. Grantley 13. Grantley, p Norton 167. 1782 B. Howe L Howe Howe Ins. 1762 B. Rodney B Rodney Rodney 169. 1783 B. Bowdon M. HASTINGS .. Hastings 170. 1783 B. Sydney V. Sydney .Townshend 171. 1784 D. Northumberland . E. Beverley Percy 172. 178-1 B. Carteret B Carteret . .Thy line 173. 1764 E. St. Germuins ....E. St. Germains ... Eliot 174. )784 B. Lowther ... ... .. E. Lonsdale Lowther

175. 1784 B. Grey de Wilton .. E. Triiten Egerton 176. 1784 B. Evesham ...E. Somers, a Cocks

177. 1784 B. Borringdon ••• ..E. 51 oftl•EY ....Parker 17S. 1784 B. Berwick B. Berwick, a ...Hill • 179. 1784 B. Sherborne • B SUERBORNE ....Dutton 180. 1784 E. Norwich D. Gordon Gordon 181. .17r B. Montague B Montague Scott

189. 1786 V. Hamilton E. Abercorn, en Abercorn 183. 1736 B. Tyrone . .. .. - ...111. Waterford, in ....... Beresford

184. 1736 B. Carleton F SHANNON Boyle 185. /786 B. Hawkesbury E. Liverpool .1 enkinson 166. 1786' B. Suffield B. SUFFIELD Harbord 187. 1786 B. Dorchester B Dorchester, ia .. Carleton 186. 1783 B. Kenyon B Kenyon Kenyon 189. 1786 B. Malmesbuey ... .E. Malmesbury Harris 180. 1789 B. 13raybrooke .. B. 13asynttooas Griffin 191. 1790 B. Fisherwick . ...M. DONEGAL Chichester 192. 1790 13. Douglas B. Douglas Douglas 193. 1790 V Gage V. Cage Gage

194. 1790 B. Grenville B. Grenville, a. .Grenville

195. 1790 13. Verulam E. Verulam Grimston 196. 1793 B. And:land B. AUCKLAND. . Eden 197. 1794 B. CliVe ' F. Powis Olive

198. 1794 B. Mulgrave F Mutortavrt ' Phipps

199. 1794 13. Lyttelton B. LYTTELTON Lyttelton 21)0. 1704 B. Bradford E Bradfbrd Bridgman 201. 1794 B. Selsey B. SELS EV, p.... ......... .... Peachey 202. 1794 B. Dundas B. DUNI> tS Dundas 203. 1794 B. Yarborough B. 'VA namtouoie Pelham 204. 1798 B. Mendip V. CLIFFDEN Ellis 205. 1795 B. Hood V HOOD.. Hood

206. 1796 B. Stuart E. Moray, a Stuart

207. 1796 B. Stewart F. Galloway, a Stewart

208. 1796 B. Saltersford F Courtown,p Stopford

209. 1796 B. Dawnay .... V. Do w NE . ...... Dawnay

210. 1796 B. Brodrick V. Middleton, a Brodrick 211. 1796 B. Britlport . E. Stradbrooke, a Rous

212. 1796 II. Calthorpe B Calthorpe Calthorpe 213. 1796 B. Dunstanville andll. Dunstanville and Bassett. Bassett Bassett 214. 1796 R. Harewood E Ilarewood .. . Lascelles 215. 1796 B. Rolle 13 Rolle Rolle 216. 1796 E. Cawdor E. CAwDOR Campbell 217. 1796 B. Pierrepoint F. MASTERS Pierrepoint 218. 1797 33. Jervis . V ST. VINCENT Jervis 219. 1797 13. Wellesley 51. WELLESLEY Wellesley 220. 1797 B. Carrington B Carrington Smith 291. 1797 B. IlaynIng .... .. .B. Baoning Poulett 229 1797 B. Balton B. Bolton .. .. Po wlett 293. 1797 33. 31i tit') E. MI NTO Kynynmound 994. 1797 B. Wodehouse B Wodehouse, a. Wodehouse 1797 B. Northwiel- 13 Northicich Rushout 226. 1797 B. Lilford 13. !ALFORD . Powys 227. 1797 13. Ribblesdale B. Ribbladale Lister 228. 1797 B. Duncan E. CAMPERDOWN Haldane

229. 1799 B. Eldon E. Eldon Scott 230. 1799 13. Fitzgibbon E. Clam, a. Fitzgibbon 231. 1801 B. Moore M. Drogheda, a Moore

2:32. 1801 B. Loftus M. Ely, p Loftus

233. 1801 13. Carysfort E. Carysfort, a. Proby

234. 1801 B. Alvanley B ALVANI.Ey Arden 235: '1801 B. Abercromby B. ABERCROMBY Abercromby 236. 1801 B. Grey F. GREY Grey 237. 1801 B. St. Helen's B. St. Brien& p. . . . ..Fitzlierbert 238. 1801 B. Nelson It' KELM'S Nelson 239. 1501 B. Keith B Keith." Flphinstone 230.• 1801 V. Hutchinson F.. Donoughm ore, a. Hutchinson 241. 1802 V. Melville V Melville . Pandas 242. 1802 B. Redesdale B. Redesdale ' ..Milford

243. 1802 B. Ellenborough B. Eireaborough Law

244. 1802 B. Sandy's B Sandys, f . Hill 245. 381)2 B. Arden B. Arden.. Perceval 246. 1802 B. Sheffield E. Sheffield Holroyd 247. 1604 B. Lake V LAKE . Lake

243. 1805 V. Sidmonth V Shimouth .... ........... Addington

249. 1805 B. Barham 13 BARBA m ....Noel

250. 1606 B. Erskine B Easstxx,p Erskine 251. 1506 B. Monteagle M. Scrod - Browne

252.- 1806 13. Ardrossan E. Eglintonn. en MontgOnierie

25:3. 1806 IL Lauderdale E. Lauderdale, p Maitland

254. 1806 13. Granard E GRANARD, p. Forbes 255. 1S06 B. Crewe 'II Crewe, a - Crewe " 256. 1806 B. Beauchamp E. Beauchamp Pinder 257. 1806 B. Ponsonby B PONSONBY Ponsonhy

259: 1806 B. Ailsa M. AILSA,p Kennedy

259.- 1856. 13. Gardner B GARDNER ' ' Gardner 260. 1806 B. Breadalbane 51. BREADALBANi,p• Campbell 261. 1807 B. Manners B Manners Sutton 262. 1807 B. Gambler B Gambier .. .. ' Gambler 263. 1807 E. Cathcart E Cathcart, a Cathcart

Present Title.

D. Wellington E. Hopetoun E Aberdeen ✓ Beresfard B. Exmouth V Exmouth, p..... ......... •Pelleve B. Combermere.....V. Combermere... Cotton B LYYED OCEI Graham B. Hill, a Hill

M. Londonderry.. Stewart

Gower Family Name, Wellesley Hope Gordon Beresford

V. Granville V GRANVILLE ..

B. Dalhousie E Dalhousie, a. Ramsay B. Foxford E. Limerick Pery V. Melbourne V. MELBOURNE Melbourne B. Churchill B. Churchill, p. Spencer B. Harris B. Harris . ...Harris B. Meldrum E Aboyne.... Gordon B. Ross ....E. Glasgow, p....... Boyle B. Grinstead E Enniskillen Cole B. Prudhoe 11 Prudhoe Percy B. Colchester B. Colchester, p. Abbott

Q3eorge tie Inturtb.

B. Farnborough B. Farnborough . .... ... ...... Long B. De Tabley B. De Tabley, tea Leicester B. Gower B GOWER Gower B. Wharncliffe B. Wharncliffe ... ......... .. ..Mackenzie B. Feversham B Feversham ... ...... ..Duncombe B. Seaford B. SEAFORD Ellis V, Goderich V GODERICH Robinson B. Lyndhurst B. Lyndhurst Copley B. Fife .. .E. FIFE • .Duff B. Tenterden B. Tenterden .... ......Abbott B. Plunkett B. FLUNKET Plunkett B. Melrose E. Haddington........ Hamilton

V. Canning V Canning, f. • Canning B. Cowley B. Cowley Wellesley

B. Stuartde RothesayB. Stuart de Rothesay ...... Stuart B. Heytesbury B Heytesbury, a . A'Conrt B. Rosebery E. ROSEBERY Primrose B. Clanwilliam E. Clanwilliam Meade

B. Durham B. DURHA3Ia p .. ....Lambton B. Skelmersdale..... B. Skelmersdale... ........ .. ..Wilbrabam

B. Wallace B. Wallace Wallace B. Wynford B. IVynford ..Best

Effiilliant Or zfourtt.

B. Ker M. Lothian B. Minster M. Conyngham, a B. Ormonde ...M. ORMONDE B. Wemyss E Wemyss and March, a B. Clanbrassill E. .Roden B. Kingston E. Kingston, a. B. Silchester.. ...... E. Longford .... .... B. Glenlyon.........B. GLENLYON B. Maryborough.....B. Maryborough . B. Oriel.. V. Ferrard, a

B. Stowell 73 Stowed, p. .

B. Ravensworth .... II. Ravensworth .

B. Delamere B. Delamere 13. Forester B. Forester ..... • ...

B. Rayleigh B Rayleigh, f V. Clancarty E. Clancarty, p... B. Bexley B. Berley B. Stafford-. ....B. STAFFORD B. Gifford B. Gifford, m.

B. Penshurst.. . V. Strangford.

B. Tadcaster...... 111. Thomond .

B. Somerhill M. C LANE ICAIIDE

B. Wigan . ...... ...E. Balcarras..... ... . ... B. Ranfurly E. RANFURLY• p

Ker Conyngham Butler Douglas Jocelyn ...King Pakenhano Murray .Pole Skeffingtort Scott Liddell Cholmondeley Forester Strutt Trench Vansittart Juni nghara Gifford Smythe O'Brien De Burgh Lindsey Knox 339. 1830 B. Brougham .... ...B. B a o UOHAM .... ....... ....Broughasn 331. 1830 B: Kilmarnock E ERROLL .• . Hay 332. 1830 B. Fingall E. FINOALL Plunkett 233. 1831 E. Munster ....E. MUNSTER Fitzclarence 334. 1831 B. Sefton E SEFTON • Molyneux 335. 1831 B. Rossie ....... ....B. Ki NNAIRD ... .. Xi nuaird 336. 1831 B. Dover B. DOVER Ellis 337. 1831 B. Clements E LEITRIM Clements 339. 1831 E. Burlington E. BURLINGTON, p Cavendish 339. 1831 B. Kenlis ...... • • ...M. HEADFORT Taylour 340. 1831 B. Chaworth ... ....E. MEATH Brabazon

341. 1831 B. Dunmore F. DUNMORE .. Murray

342. 1831 B. Ludlow E LUDLOW Ludlow 343. 1831 B. Hamilton E. BELEIAVEN Hamilton 344. 1831 B. Bowden ..... ....B. HOWDEN Cradock 345. 1831 B. Panmure .B. PANMURE Maule

346. 1831 B. Oakley B OAKLEY

Cadogan 347. 1831 B. Poltimore B FOLTIMORE Baltimore 348. 1831 B. Wenlock B WE FLOCK Lawley 349. 1331 B. lilostyn B. MOSTYN Lloyd

350. 1831 B. Segrave B SE GRAVE Berkeley

351. 1831 B. Ternplemore.... .B. TEMPLEMORE Chichester 359. 1831 B. Dinorben B. DENORBEN • .. Hughes 353. 1831 B. Cloncurry B. CLoNctrany ... Lawless 354. 1831 B. De Saumarez . • 8. DE SAUMAREZ .. ..Saumarez Original Creatien. 1809 V. Wellington 1809 B. Niddry 1814 V. Gordon 1814 B. Beresford 1814 1814 1814 1814 1814 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1815 1915 1815 1815 1817 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 1823 1824 1824 1825 1826 1826 1826 1826 1826 1826 1826 1326 1826 1826 1827 1827 1827 1827 1327 1827 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1828 1829


▪ 299.


B. Lynedoch B. Hill B. Stewart