The Brussels Chamber of Representatives have agreed to the projet
of law approving of the terms of settlement laid down by the Five Powers. The vote was taken on the 1st instant. The number of members present was 99 ; of whom two declined voting, 58 voted for the projet, and 39 against it,—giving a majority in its favour of 19. As far as Belgium is concerned, the peace is formally ratified. The people are said to have received the an- nouncement with resignation. The answer of the Dutch Monarch has not been yet given, but there can be little doubt that the same law which constrained the one party will equally constrain the other. The English fleet has sailed towards the Scheldt, in con- formity with the request of the Allies, expressed at the Confe- rence, which we noticed in our last Number; but it is very im- probable that it will be called on to do more than show its power.