The Story of John G. Paton. Told for Young Folks
by the Rev. James Paton. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—Here is a book of adventure — adventure in real life — which it would not be easy to match in fiction. "Thirty Years Among South Sea Cannibals " is the descriptive sub-title ; but what the story really is, how full of thrilling incident, and what sort of a man the hero, can only be realised by actual acquaintance. The story has been re-told with a special view to a new audience, and some incidents not before related have been introduced. The simplicity of the narrative, a characteristic in which it stands certainly unsur- passed, remains. It would be difficult to find as admirable a present for a young reader as this volume. A boy must be better for reading of such courage and devotion ; and if only one in a thousand could be stirred up to emulate it, how great the gain !