5 NOVEMBER 1954, Page 63
ACROSS: I Hindmost. 5 Sea-pig. 9 Magellan. 10 Enonee. 12 Estate. 13 Harridan. 15 Fortune of war. 18 Paying-in slim 23 Lucullus. 24 Agenda. 26 Guitar. 27 'Wellhead 28 Crease. 29 Glow-worm,
DOWN: I Hammer. 2 Nights. 3 Mulatto. 4 Spar. 6 Esparto. 7 Pipe down.
8 Greenery. II Garnish. 14 Atticus. 16 Epilogic. 17 Syncline, 19 Nullahg. 20 Ingelow. 21 Angelo. 22 Random. 25 Peel,
NOTE: The Spectator proposes at a future date to publish the solution and winners of each crossword competition one week after the publication of the puzzle instead of at the present interval of
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