Two prize, am awarded each week - /1 con of the Eh, Luxe edition of Chamber?, Twentieth Cos. nay Dictionare and a book token for one g u fn est. These will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct olutions opened a! tee noon an Tuesday week. November nd addressed: Crossword 807. 99 Cower St.. London, W.C.I. Solution must be on the form here prinred.The solution and the names of the winners will be pubiltheit In the following issue.
ACROSS 1 Not quite what is meant by carriage entrance-exit rather I (8). 5 Trollope's all ready for opening-time (6). 9 No cloven hoof among these (8). 10 Is this a dagger which I see Wore me typographically ? (6). 12 A crown of glory (7). 13 Card-game the French call for (7). 14 The road leads to nothing reasonable (12). 17 Eau de Nil or aquamarine for example (5-7). 22 Provides arid lea for gulls (7). 23 Figure this out (7). 24 Divers birds (6). 25 Hurricane on a Gloucestershire river (8). 26 Sunbather among the Celts (6). 27 This star may call for somb further reference (8).
DOWN: 1 A cheering nationality (6). 2 Confused regret after all has attraction (6). 3 Encourage mother to bathe in the deep, she'll get a certificate (7). 4 Fool dashed in in confusion looking out- moded (3-9). 6 A medico on the heather in no hurry evidently (7).
7 Peak of summer has a chilly finish (8). 8 Sly tales of hangers-on (8). 11 Whitings' sartorial convention when dished (7-5). 15 Illumination for night-flying perhaps (3-5). 16 This creature doesn't cater for the general (8). 18 'Where the apple - Never pry' (Browning) (7).
19 Near Ida you'll find frogs in a family (7). 20 A relish I get, says the guinea-pig (6). 21 In Balaclava the key will be found of romance (6).
The solution will he published on November 19
The winners of Spectator Crossword No. 8(15 are as follows: First prize to Miss M. I.. MARSDEN. Red Roof Cottage, Goathland, Yorkshire, and second price to Max, 1. G. WITIALRINGION, Sumner Plat, Haywards Heath, Sussex.