5 NOVEMBER 1965, Page 29


1. S.



14, 18.




27, ACROSS A .pieee of early all-round 1.

music? (8) Copper does, made up into coin (6) The first horseless carriage? (8) Public relations !cad feverishly to the city (6) Pseudonym for Mr. Bond? (5) Held down, on the psychiatrist's couch perhaps (9) Surgeons on their way to work! (7-5) 7. Rangy-looking parties (12) A good subject for prospective 8. ornithologists (9)

A Greek (5) 11. The fool who gets a pasting (6) Edward, replacing land in the

city divided it (8) 15. The ensign is handy about the

house! (6) 16. Not all that tempts your wan- dering eyes And - hearts, is lawful prize' (Gray) (8)

DOWN Stout fellow, of the strong and silent kind (6) Sir Lancelot nominally thread- ing his way (6) Is iron discipline maintained in the colonel's quarters? (6-3) They are enough to make a law- student cross! (121 The end of the fox? No, it's con- cealed in the plant (5) Confused N c w Testament tongue remains unacquired (8) A surfeit of just what the doctor ordered (8) One might expect its pupils to have a traditional knowledge of liqueurs (12) Garden lad, got up on Mayday (9) At the round earth's - corners, blow Your trumpets, Angels, and arise, arise' (Donne)


6. 1 7. The Isle is followed by pat ticks, see how they retain the lights (8)

19. Adjustable spares are thin on the ground (6) 20. Stuff for bait (6) 22. Left in safe? It simply isn't true (5) Solution next week


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