5 OCTOBER 1833, Page 7

It is said that the distinguished office of Lord Steward

of his Ma. jesty's Household was conferred on the Duke of Argyll, to indemnity his Grace for the loss of the salary of his sinecure appointment of Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, in which he succeeded the Duke of Gordon on the change of Administration, and which the present Ministers have abolished. The salary of the Lord Steward is about 2,0001. per annum, that of Keeper of the Great Seal was 1,850/. — Courier. [According to this reckoning, his Grace is over-indemnified to the amount of 150/. a year. But why should he be "indemnified" for a sinecure? Was not the office of Keeper of the Great Seal abo- lished because it was a sinecure?] The Duke of Devonshire still remains at Chatsworth, but is much better. His knee gains strength daily, and is recovering from the weakness occasioned by his late accident. It is expected that he will soon be able, without any inconvenience, to remove to Brighton.— Herald.

Sir J. Herschell is about leaving his residence near Slough for the Cape of Good Hope, to make observations on the fixed stars in the Southern hemisphere. Eight waggons were employed in removing his telescopes, transit instruments and apparatus. Mr. Richard lleher, the great hook-collector. and formerly al ember for Oxford Unil.ersity, died at his house in Pimlico yes terddy morning.

The Piuttheon its been recently Id, by an order of the Court of Chaneery, to a party of opulent gentlemen, fir the purpose of being converted into a grand bazaar on a novel plan. The sum to he ex- 'wink(' for this purpose will not be less than .2> 1,(H)t11/. and the project is considered eminently calculated to fulfil the hopes of the speculators.

The Duke of Brunswick, Sir Robert Peel, the Duke of Gloucester, Philip Louis de Perminct, the Countess de llamas, &e. art' extensive stockholders in the Pennsylvania Canal Debt ; and many of these dis- tinguished foreigners are ownars to a large extent of the stock of the Ohio I 'anal I /elle 'Mr. Aiarshall, of Leeds, is the owner of 248,000 dollars worth of the latter stork.—Anterican Pam r.

In pursuance of a resolution passed by the 1 loose of Commons during the late session, the Secretary of State for the I home Department has addressed a circular to the Overseers of the Poor in every parish throughout the kingdom, requesting them to answer the questions con- tained in the aforesaid resylution, which is as follows.

" That !hero he laid ',fort- this house, a return of the number 1,1' sehools iii carte chapelry. or extra-parochial ; width return. after stating the :thunint iit the popaatien or ie, said toil o or place aceordin.; itt the Et‘t con,ns• shall specify -I. Whit-

the said sehooit .tro infant, daily, or :-Ulnilay sehook hobo:. they ate confined,

either nominally or iirtuall■. to the u.•.. ot children at' tk, t'leareh, lir of

any LIIII,•■• .1 la i na hal. a. Wheiher they an' 1.111111,..11 or tmendowed.

%shot fund, they are lei, whet lwr by payment, from the scholars. tilt•ra Isrs 5. number aml sex,. ta. !to seholars in eaeli school. lie Tho ages ;IL geaarally ruler. nu,l at w hielt they generally quit. the sehool. 7. The -allure •,tel elaoholiont• :dhow" to th.• naert aed in each

.\ int ›hall o 'P'il'e sehool. « 111oh hate heen establi.heal since:

I s 11. Tho.esen.i.!: iii which a letoling library attached,"