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THE Queen took her usual promenade on Sunday afternoon, on the East Terrace of Windsor Castle, "to the gratification of the visiters thronging the parterre." Besides her Majesty, the gazers had the pleasure of beholding Lord Melbourne, Lord Palmerston, Baroness Lehzen, Miss Spring Rice, Colonel Wemyss, and Lord Byron, who accompanied their Sovereign during her walk. On Monday, a Privy Council was held at the Castle ; attended by Lords Melbourne, Cottenhain, Palmerston, John Russell, and Albe- marle, Mr. Francis Thornhill Baring, Sir John Hobhouse, and Mr. Labouchere. Mr. Macaulay was sworn in a member of the Council, and kissed hands as Secretary at War. After the Council broke up, the Queen, with nearly all the company at the Palace, rode on horse- back, and in the evening the Ministers and chief members of the Household dined with her Majesty. The next day, the same party, with little alteration, rode out with the Queen, and again found them- selves at the Royal dinner-table. On Wednesday, Lord John Russell, Lord Palmerston, Mr. Baring, Mr. Labouchere, and Mr. Macaulay, took their departure for town.
It is not the Queen's hitention to visit Brighton this season. The Duke of Sussex and Lady Cecilia Underwood are making a tour of visits. They will spend some time with the Duke of' Devon- shire, the Earl of Scarborough, Colonel Wildman, the Earl of Lei- cester, and Lord Diuurben.