The unsettled state of the money-market still causes a great
depres- sion; and though there was some demand (on Tuesday) for particular descriptions of yarns, we can note no improvement in prices. Goods also continue without improvement from tho state mentioned in our last report. - -.11emehester Guardian, Wednesday. A new educational establishment is about to be founded in Liverpool, under the title of the " Liverpool Collegiate Institution." John Wail- Moue, Esq. has contributed 500/. towards its funds. Lords Francis Egerton and Sandon have likewise placed their names amongst the donors, and consented to hect»ne Vice-Presidents. The Bishop of the (htOceoc' has accepted the office of V isliter.—Lirupoo/ Mu it, A correspondent of the Stunt/aid says that a " harbour of refuge" is about to be constructed at Margate.
The Magistrates having formed a resolution of preventing the Chartists from going in vast numbers to the on Sunday last, they placed eight or nine policemen, armed with their cutlasses, at each of' the entrances to the churchyard, met gave them orders not to admit any hut the holders of seats to pas::: :Men. About eleven
o'clock, several thousand persons had co 11-,c raira!I the church, but no disturbance took place. Several persor,, •Iii',771:tnttell from going into the church, and the Dragoons were 1.1 l',,.elciess to tinell any riot, but none took place. In the afternoon t. cc ‘■.!:: a meeting of the Chartists, who sang two hymns, and t1.-.., um:welted home. — 614fic/t/ /i's.
Many Chariist mechanics, cutlers. s: and tile- makers, have taken their departure fir; Anc rH, : 111,1.,, are about to follow them. Among these emigrants. ,,, gate to the Nation:'.! Convention, and IV:. Working :Men's Association-1ml' eN('• correspondent of' the Slulli,14 Iris, " ICtcr I•v!!!:!! ; for being Chartists," prefer " leaving tl. i of 11. ii' 1.:,!, to tir.ig-
ging on a miserable lite in prison, Ili,' C,:12; and many others."