The members of the Dundee Anti-Corn- Lew Association assembled on the 211h, aci ele Jted "ee-hearere " for the year. Three hun- dred gentlemen, including runny of the prineieel manufacturers of Dundee, were present. A letter was read feen Mr. I; inloch of Kinlocb, -whom the death of a near relative kept erota the meeting, recommend- ing the union of all classes for the repeal ef the e'orn-laws. Mr. Baxter entered into an l'Y p:1.11,11•P-1 of the effect of these laws in enhancing the price of food. The following reeoiutions were passed- " 1st, That the present1:: teasting Coim-law5 are extremely injurious to the interest of all etas ,es of tee co— -unity, 1v raising the price of fleet, and at the same time by telmii.g the ray of AVOgt::: au,1 the prItits on capital. " 2d, That it is 1.11,r ,:we the duty of ;di classes to cuilp,ratz in procuring ilk! total, i;;;.ediAts!, ail 1 ummuditi.J.:.:1 repeal of the Corn-laws, and all re- strictive or prehihitere ,:uties. "3d, That this meeting therefore resolve to use every exertion to procure such an unanimous eepreesion of pubic opinion as will induce the Legislature to remove tiKs.: unjutt and impolitic enactments."
An effort was made by a Chartist to raise a discussion on the ques- tion of supporting the " National Petition" in preference to union against the Corn-laws ; but he was stopped by the Chairman, Mr. David Baxter, as the rules of the Association did not permit that species of political debate.