On the night of Tuesday week, the house of Mr.
Thomas Murphy, a farmer residing on the lands of Parkswood, near Passage, was set on fire, by a relative, it is supposed. The incendiary, who resided in the house, get up at the hour of twelve o'cloele, and went out and locked the door, again whieh be placed an iron grate, and then set the thatch on fire. The lives of the family, consisting of nine in number, were saved by sending a small boy out through one of the sviadows, who alarmed some perswls in the neighbourhood, who immediately ran to the S',:e11C, of cen'h.gation and rescued the inmates from an untimely end. They also captured the delinquent, whom they tied and kept until they gave biom into the custody of the police. There were but a few trifling articles save I i'scha the house. The only reason that can be assigned for the cause of this outrage is, that Walter Murphy wanted to conic in for his brother's property, as he drove some pigs out of a barn to prevent them feu.a Icing commmvd.-11'aterfbrd Chronicle.
An atrocieto conspireey to murder Mr. and Mrs. Philip II. Holland, Mallow Street, with the nefarious objeet of robbing their master and mistrees, has been discovered amongst the domestics, two of whom are in custody ; and the details of the revolting plot are now being investi- gated by the Magistrates. Armed with a carving-knife and a ship. carpenter's adze, on Sunday night last, the miscreants attempted to break into their master's bed-room, but were happily foiled in their de- sign to commit murder and robbery. There are several persons in cus- tody. The Mnetheratee held a long investigation; when it appeared the same gang had foreeed a conspireey to murder Mr. Stoney of rratiliforl—Litholeit ChrunMe.